Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Ministerial Statement
Final Stages
Consideration in committee of the House of Assembly's message.
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: I move:
That the council do not insist on its amendments.
When we debated the bill the Hon. Mark Parnell moved amendments in relation to what has been generally known as ethical investment. Those amendments, which were originally supported by this council, went down to the House of Assembly, which did not support those amendments.
Obviously, there are some issues in relation to the implementation of these schemes. We did have a very lengthy debate on this matter during the committee stage of the bill when it was before the council, as well as on a number of occasions in relation to other like superannuation bills. The issue here is that the government would obviously like to get these amendments into operation as quickly as possible in relation to the police superannuation system. It is important that we do get these amendments up.
I think the government has indicated that, in general, before the government would support a move in this area, it would obviously like to see some broader indication of support through the relevant employer groups. For example, if the PSA and other groups were to approach the government in relation to this, the government would be happy to do so.
However, at this stage, the government's view is that the passage of these amendments, given the low demand for such schemes, would simply delay the passage of the legislation. That is why I ask the committee to not insist on its amendments.
The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: I indicate that the opposition joins with the government in not insisting on our amendments. Certainly, the opposition has a broad view that ethical superannuation options, as proposed by the Hon. Mark Parnell, are a sensible way to go. The advice the opposition has is that the demand is low and that the range of products available in the South Australian market is also low.
More importantly, another concern we have relates to the amendments to the police superannuation scheme, which this bill amends. Some of South Australia's very hardworking police officers stand to be disadvantaged if, unfortunately, there is death or if there are injuries which necessitates their retirement, etc. during this period. That is our number one concern. We broadly support the principle of ethical superannuation options, and that is why we were interested in supporting the other bill that was around. However, this bill in particular presents a risk to some members of SAPOL in that they could be disadvantaged because it is being held up in this place. We certainly do not want to see those hardworking South Australians disadvantaged at this point, so I indicate that we will not support insisting on our amendments.
The Hon. M. PARNELL: In light of the opposition's position, I have a number of questions. I have a reasonable contribution to make on this matter, and I will be dividing on it. I am happy to do that after lunch.
Progress reported; committee to sit again.
[Sitting suspended from 12:59 to 14:18]