Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Ministerial Statement
The Hon. A. BRESSINGTON (14:41): By way of supplementary question, is the minister considering further down the track re-evaluating closing hours of entertainment venues in Hindley Street, given that Mal Hyde on the radio this morning said that that also needed to be looked at as part of the strategy?
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Police, Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning) (14:41): The Police Commissioner has raised issues in relation to closing hours. They are matters for my colleague the Minister for Consumer Affairs and for cabinet, but as far as this government is concerned all we wish to see at this stage is a trial of the lockout, which does not involve reduced hours. It means that, if people want to drink beyond 3am, they can do so. I am told that in places such as Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world in many respects, after 2am—
The Hon. R.I. Lucas: You said 12 o'clock.
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: —I think it is 2am—no alcohol is served at all.
The Hon. R.I. Lucas: You said 12 o'clock.
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: Well, I was wrong, and I apologise; it is 2am, on my understanding.
The Hon. R.I. Lucas: Why don't you tell the truth?
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: Here we are talking about a 3am lockout, but that does not mean you stop serving at 3am. People can still continue to drink if they desperately need alcohol. If they leave premises beyond 3am they are more than likely, unfortunately, to be intoxicated and more likely to get into street violence, and that is a sad statistical fact.