Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Matters of Interest
The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (15:19): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Correctional Services a question regarding the work of the Offenders Aid and Rehabilitation Service.
Leave granted.
The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY: I understand that the Minister for Correctional Services attended an Offenders Aid and Rehabilitation Services volunteer function on 14 May for the purpose of presenting certificates of appreciation to a number of OARS volunteers. Will the minister provide some details of the function and the awards presented?
The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO (Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Road Safety, Minister Assisting the Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (15:20): I thank the honourable member for his important question. The Offenders Aid and Rehabilitation Services (OARS) is an organisation with more than a 100-year history in South Australia. It is committed to addressing the needs of offenders and their families. It was my pleasure to attend the function to honour and recognise the work of many of the OARS volunteers.
Across our state every day, as we all know, volunteers donate their time, share their skills and, in many cases, put their lives on the line to help keep our community safe. South Australia has the highest volunteer participation rate in the country, and I think it is fair to say that our state would literally grind to a halt if it was not for the tireless work of volunteers.
Originally known as the Prisoners Aid Organisation, OARS has grown and developed over the years in order to respond to the needs of offenders as they move through the state's criminal justice system. Services provided by OARS include emergency financial assistance, pre-release planning, a bus service to transport family members of prisoners at the Cadell Training Centre for visits, and a range of support services to the partners of prisoners as well as other intervention and counselling services. OARS SA employs 30 staff and has about 120 active volunteers at any one time. OARS volunteers work with offenders in prisons or under the supervision of the department.
it was my pleasure to contribute to National Volunteers Week and present certificates of appreciation to a number of OARS volunteers. Recipients of Certificates of Appreciation and badges for years of service included: Chris Brown, Patsy Freak, Geoff Lummey, Anthony Nelson, John Pratt, Dorothy Reynolds, Annabel Shrinkfield and Wendy Trow. Some were also awarded the South Australian Volunteers Certificate of Recognition, including: Sue Altus, Eric Brown, Jack Byerlee, Marj Byerlee, Barbara Haines, Chris Herbig, Shirley Kutcha, Kay Lemar, John McKenzie, Matt Murray, Meredith Newman, Iris Perkins, Teresa Romanelli, Bev Seelanda, Peggy Sterry, and Keith Williams.
Many other hard-working recipients received awards, and the function was a tremendous opportunity to thank all the volunteers for the time that they donate, the skills and expertise that they selflessly offer and all the good work that they do.