Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Auditor-General's Report
The Hon. B.V. FINNIGAN (15:02): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Emergency Services—
Members interjecting:
The Hon. B.V. FINNIGAN: —a question regarding our State Emergency Service.
Leave granted.
The Hon. B.V. FINNIGAN: I note that last week was SES week, culminating in a parade on Saturday. Will the minister provide some details of what has been done to acknowledge and recognise the work of our SES volunteers and staff during this very special week?
Members interjecting:
The PRESIDENT: Order! I think some of the most important people in the state are volunteers and I would like to hear what the minister has to say.
The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO (Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Road Safety, Minister Assisting the Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (15:03): Hear, hear, Mr President! I thank the honourable member for his very important question. I was pleased that this year, operationally, it was a quieter week for our volunteers during SES week, unlike the past two years. I hope that it allowed our volunteers more of an opportunity to enjoy the week set aside to recognise their contribution to our community safety.
SES week is an annual event and was held from 11 to 18 November 2007. On Saturday 17 November 2007, I represented the Premier (Hon. Mike Rann MP) and joined his Excellency the Governor, SES volunteers, their families, SES staff and other dignitaries at the annual parade. The parade is a wonderful way for us all to join with volunteers and to recognise the work of the SES in this state. The past year has been a very busy one for the SES, with almost 74,000 hours of volunteer service given to protecting and responding to our community in times of need.
Not only did our SES volunteers help out here but 126 volunteers also responded to the New South Wales floods earlier this year, and I have previously advised members of the willingness with which they responded.
Families and employers play a very large part in supporting the SES and many family members were at the parade to show their support. The annual Keith Lane award is also announced as part of the celebrations of the parade, and this award is presented to a volunteer for outstanding achievement within the SES. Keith Lane joined the SES in 1972 and was a unit manager at the then Mitcham unit who believed strongly in helping people and developing SES volunteers. The outstanding field of nominations for the award this year meant that the judges had difficulty in separating two worthy nominees, so the award was presented to both Peter Larvin, the unit manager of the Western Adelaide unit, and Stuart Lambert, unit manager of the Barmera unit.
Both award recipients demonstrate Keith Lane's commitment to the development and support of our SES volunteers. Peter is an exceptional and enthusiastic member who serves as a role model for other volunteers. He also played a key role in the rescue of a man who fell into a drain near Keswick Barracks earlier this year. Stuart has 30 years' service with the SES and is strongly committed to volunteer welfare. He is a founding member of the South Australian SES Volunteers Association, an association committed to supporting our SES volunteers, and I commend it on the work it is doing. Our sincere thanks and congratulations to both Peter and Stuart.
Other presentations to SES volunteers for exceptional service were made to Keith Smith of the Western Adelaide unit, Tricia Goodrich of State Headquarters unit, Merise Adamson of the Prospect SES unit, and Daisy. Daisy was the first SES rescue dog and she retired from active search duties at the start of this year, although she still continues her volunteering duties in a public relations capacity. Daisy joined the SES when she was only 2½, and she has just celebrated her 13th birthday. Special mention must also go to Daisy's handler, John Dyett, and to the other SES search dogs: Lily, a black labrador; Jack, the border collie; Astra, a German shepherd; and Sophie, a golden retriever. Congratulations to all for their efforts in the past year.
As I have done on previous occasions, I encourage members to promote the SES in their local communities as a rewarding volunteering opportunity, working with others who are committed to community preparedness and safety. On behalf of all members in this place, I commend and thank our SES members for their commitment to protecting our community. They are ordinary people doing extraordinary things.