Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Auditor-General's Report
The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (14:48): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Urban Development and Planning a question about the Open Spaces and Places for People Grant Program.
Leave granted.
The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY: The state is currently experiencing an increase in demand for new housing developments, and there is pressure on metropolitan areas to rehabilitate under-used land. This pressure to develop means that the state government and local councils have a critical role in ensuring that open space is retained for recreation and other community uses. Will the minister advise what the state government is doing to ensure that South Australians can continue to enjoy access to open spaces within their communities?
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Police, Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning) (14:48): I thank the honourable member for his question, and I am very pleased to inform him that the Rann government has been actively using the Planning and Development Fund under the Development Act to encourage the implementation of its Open Space Program across this state. This fund allows the government to adopt a statewide overview to address strategically open and public space issues in an objective manner through the Open Space and Places for People Grant Program, involving local government.
The Planning and Development Fund is used to provide effective investment in significant projects throughout the state. Money paid into the fund helps to finance the purchase, development and management of open space and the provision of grants to local councils for conservation and recreation on public land. Councils throughout the state are invited to apply for grant funding on an ongoing basis.
The applications are assessed by the Public Space Advisory Committee against funding criteria, planning strategy objectives and the State Strategic Plan. If it is found that they measure up to these criteria, the applications are submitted for ministerial approval.
I am pleased to inform the chamber that I have recently approved eight new grants as part of the open space program, and these grants total $1.557 million. These eight new grants seek to foster a range of open space and civic enhancement projects from the Mid North to the South-East of the state and, complemented by funding from local councils, the latest round of grants will finance the development of public parks, walkways, barbecue areas and other facilities throughout the state.
The newest grants include $746,997 for stages 2 and 3 of the City of Onkaparinga's Moana Foreshore Coast Park. The City of Onkaparinga Council is to provide $1.145 million alongside the government's contribution for the $1.89 million project. Joint funding from the Rann government and the local council will provide a family gathering area to the north of the Moana Surf Life Saving Club, upgrade the club car park and build a 500 metre long path long the foreshore. The Moana foreshore project is also part of a state government initiative to develop the 70 kilometre long Linear Park along the Adelaide metropolitan coastline.
Also included in the latest round of grants is $514,868 for the Clare and Gilbert Valley Council's Hutt River Linear Park. This grant is being matched by the Clare and Gilbert Valley Council to fund the $1.3 million project. This joint funding will allow two open space areas in the central business district of Clare—the Lions Park and the APEX Park—to be upgraded to include playground equipment, barbecue facilities, seating and shelter. Cycle and pedestrian trails linking the two parks as well as a footbridge over a nearby tributary to the Hutt River will also be constructed with funding from this open space grant.
The remaining grants in this round comprise $124,750 for the City of Playford's Virginia Open Space redevelopment; $50,000 for the City of Charles Sturt Henley South Coast Park design plan; $45,000 for the Wattle Range Council's The Domain Adventure Centre; $33,000 for the City of Burnside's open space strategy; $25,000 for the Regional Council of Goyder's Burra Creek Reserve concept plan; and $17,500 for the Tatiara District Council's Keith township upgrade.
The latest grants take the total value of projects funded by the Rann government from the Open Space and Places for People initiatives to more than $31 million. The Rann government remains committed to providing South Australian communities with more open space and better civic spaces to ensure that everyone can continue to enjoy access to a high standard of recreational facilities.
The major aim of these grants is to revitalise existing public spaces as well as create new open areas that will become important focuses for the social, cultural and economic life of our communities. At the same time, the government hopes these grants foster a culture within our local councils of strategic urban design that incorporates public space. I commend this program to all members and look forward to the work on these grants being completed and made available for the benefit of the public.