Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 16 October 2007. Page 963.)
The Hon. SANDRA KANCK (19:47): The Democrats believe that animals are sentient beings, which means that they are much more than commodities, and they are much more than something we use for food or fibre, medical research or entertainment. They have a value that is completely separate to our use of them and, as such, they are deserving of respect and protection from inhumane treatment.
Members interjecting:
The Hon. SANDRA KANCK: We are not in a position to know exactly what thought processes animals have, but anyone who has ever had pets knows how each one has its own distinct personality, and it is clear that they experience joy, distress, satisfaction and pain. Although this bill is not a complete rewrite of the current act, it will certainly be an improvement, with the renaming from the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act to the Animal Welfare Act. Through this bill, the purpose of the act will also be changed.
Members interjecting:
The PRESIDENT: Order! I am sure that the Hon. Ms Kanck is not talking about the animal behaviour in here.
The Hon. SANDRA KANCK: Yes—it probably says something about what these people think about it, too.
The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Ms Kanck has the call, and honourable members will have the decency to listen, or—
The Hon. SANDRA KANCK: Get out. Through this bill, the purpose of the act will also be changed from that of merely discouraging cruelty to animals to promoting animal welfare, and some offences will attract increased penalties. All these moves are very welcome. However, I will be moving an amendment, which I think will be an improvement.
In relation to clause 14, which talks about organised animal fights, subclause (3) provides that people cannot have implements or articles that could be used for this purpose. The peculiar thing is that it states that a person cannot have these implements without the approval of the minister. So, I have only one question about the bill at this stage (there may be others in committee). I would like the minister to clarify, when she sums up the second reading, what are the circumstances in which the minister would approve anyone having such implements or articles. If she cannot give a good reason, I will move another amendment to remove this provision. However, as I said, this bill certainly improves the situation for animals in this state, and it has the support of the Democrats.
Debate adjourned on motion of the Hon. I.K. Hunter.