Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS (15:17): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Environment and Conservation, representing the Minister for Regional Development, a question about the Regional Development Board resource agreements.
Leave granted.
The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS: I advise the council that seven of the 13 regional development boards (RDBs) in this state will have their current five year resource agreements expire on 30 June 2008. In addition, the other six RDBs, the resource agreements of which were to expire on 30 June 2007 but which were given a 12-month extension, will also have their agreements expire at the end of this financial year. I understand that the minister took this decision so that all boards would be in funding alignment and to allow for the implementation of new key performance indicators and closer integration with the economic targets under South Australia's Strategic Plan.
All 13 RDBs do excellent work for the widely varying regions they represent. This work can only happen due to the efforts of many loyal and dedicated staff, as well as the voluntary board members. Indeed, the deterioration in seasonal conditions following last year's drought will only place increased importance on the work of the RDBs. It is vitally important that the boards and their staff are provided with certainty about the future of funding and contracts as soon as possible. This is needed to ensure that we keep the skills of these people in the regions where they are highly valued. My questions to the minister are:
1. Will she indicate what progress is being made in developing the resource agreements for all the RDBs, particularly with the local government sector which provides equal funding to that of the state government?
2. Will she also indicate when an announcement of the new resource agreements is expected to be made?
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Environment and Conservation, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Minister Assisting the Minister for Health) (15:18): I thank the honourable member for his important questions pertaining to RDBs. I am happy to refer those questions to the appropriate minister in another place and bring back a response.