Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Grievance Debate
Private Members' Statements
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Sessional Orders
The Hon. J.K. SZAKACS (Cheltenham—Minister for Trade and Investment, Minister for Veterans Affairs, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Veterans' Affairs) (15:42): On behalf of the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, I move:
That for the remainder of the session, the sessional order adopted by the house on 3 May 2022 be amended by deleting the words 'Legislative Review' first appearing and insert in lieu thereof 'a Standing';
Delete the words 'A copy of every petition' and insert in lieu thereof 'When an "eligible petition",'; delete the words 'received by the House,' and delete the words 'an "eligible petition", shall be referred by the Clerk to the Legislative Review Committee' and insert in lieu thereof 'is presented to the House'; and add the following words:
(a) the Member who presented the petition must give a notice of motion for the petition to be referred to an appropriate Standing Committee;
(b) the notice of motion must be given for the next scheduled sitting week on a date when Private Members' Business: Committees and Subordinate Legislation has precedence;
(c) the notice of motion will have precedence over all other Private Members' Business: Committees and Subordinate Legislation on that date and may not be adjourned, postponed or withdrawn; and
(d) in the event of a motion referring an eligible petition to a Standing Committee being negatived, a subsequent notice of motion must be given by the Member who presented the petition and this notice of motion is governed by (b) and (c) above.
Motion carried.