Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Grievance Debate
Private Members' Statements
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
GFG Alliance
Mr TELFER (Flinders) (14:31): My question is again to the Premier. Has the Premier received any advice as to whether the administrator of OneSteel Manufacturing Pty Ltd can claw back any previous payments made to small businesses in Whyalla as unfair preferences?
The SPEAKER: Can you repeat the question, member for Flinders?
Mr TELFER: Absolutely. Has the Premier received any advice as to whether the administrator of OneSteel Manufacturing Pty Ltd can claw back any previous payments made to small businesses in Whyalla as unfair preferences? This is through the process, which you have already spoken about: the legalities, the legislation around it.
The Hon. P.B. MALINAUSKAS (Croydon—Premier) (14:32): They will be matters that will be determined by the administrator, which of course acts as an independent authority.
Mr Telfer: But can they?
The Hon. P.B. MALINAUSKAS: They will be matters that will be determined by the creditor under the Corporations Act.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: The member for Florey can leave the chamber until the end of question time. I think overall the behaviour has been pretty good today. If we can just keep a lid on it, that would be good.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Member for Florey, you will leave in a quiet and orderly manner.
The honourable member for Florey having withdrawn from the chamber:
The SPEAKER: Apologies on behalf of some of your colleagues, the member for Narungga. You have the call.