House of Assembly: Tuesday, February 04, 2025


Grant Programs

In reply to Mr BATTY (Bragg) (21 June 2024). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Minister for Energy and Mining): I have been advised by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport, the Department for Energy and Mining and the Office of Hydrogen Power South Australia that the following table outlines the grant program/funds for the 2024-25 financial year—Controlled:

Grant program/fund name Purpose of grant program/fund 2024-2025 Estimate $000
Department for Infrastructure and Transport
SA Jetties Renewal Program To assist councils to address immediate and critical concerns regarding the condition and sustainability of a number of state jetties. 5 000
Kangaroo Island Maintenance Project The conduct of construction works to upgrade specified unsealed roads. 3 639
Regional Level Crossing Upgrade Program The program is intended to fund programs to make railway crossings safer in regional areas. 3 000
Heavy Vehicle Safety Productivity Program Stage 7 & Bridge Renewal Program Stage 5 Grants from the Commonwealth to local councils in relation to productivity and safety improvement projects on the local government road network and Bridge Renewal Program. These are administered by DIT on behalf of the Commonwealth. 2 013
South Australian Boating Facility Advisory Committee To establish and improve recreational boating facilities in South Australia's coastal and inland waters. 1 278
National Transport Commission–National Road, Rail and Intermodal Transport To contribute to the national road, rail and intermodal transport reform agenda. 664
Car Club Grants Enable clubs to host bigger and better events and get more South Australians involved. 500
Freight SA: Strategy and Grant To advise on freight enhancement opportunities and develop a freight and supply chain strategy based on the principles developed in the national action plan by the Transport and Infrastructure Council. 454
KESAB Road Watch Program Delivery of the Road Watch Program 91
Cost of Living Package Cost-of-Living relief through direct financial support to disadvantaged South Australian 75
Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB) Funding for RISSB 48
Local Government Association (LGA) Grant Contribution to LGA Mutual Liability Scheme Aerodrome Risk Management Programme for the provision of services to councils and outback areas. 45
Department for Energy and Mining and Office of Hydrogen Power South Australia
Remote Areas Energy Supply Funding for the independent operators as per the deed of grant 41,037
Grid Scale Storage Fund The Grid Scale Storage Fund aims to accelerate the roll-out of grid-scale energy storage infrastructure and address the intermittency of South Australia's electricity supplies. The Fund will target projects that help address some of the key challenges that are having cost impacts on South Australia's power system, now and into the future. 15,000
EV Charging Network South Australia's Electric Vehicle Public Charging Network aims to leverage private sector investment to accelerate the roll out of a statewide charging network, targeting more than 50 preferred service locations to deliver approximately 500 rapid and fast charging stations. 12,357
Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) South Australia's funding commitment to the AEMC as per COAG Agreement. 11,357
Grid Scale Storage Fund Phase 3A—expansion of an additional 3,000 home energy systems in South Australia's Virtual Power Plant, the next step in achieving the full 50,000 Powerwall Virtual Power Plant (VPP). 10,000
Renewable Technology Fund South Australia's Renewable Technology Fund aims to catalyse private sector investments in low carbon and renewable energy technologies, to collaborate with the national Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) and also to fast-track South Australia's energy transformation and improve electricity market competition. Investment guidelines issued via the fund called for projects in three key areas of renewable and clean energy technologies: projects to firm renewable generation, storing energy in bulk and bioenergy. 5,000
Demand Management Trials The Demand Management Trial Program established to advance the use of demand response and distributed energy resources to benefit customers on the SA electricity grid. 2,433
Hornsdale Power Reserve Deed for the demonstration of technology from an expanded Hornsdale Power Reserve. 1,855
Rural Business Support Landowner Information Service To continue and expand operation of a free and independent landowner information service for landowners seeking information on mineral resource regulatory requirements including exploration and mining production activities 1,538
Minerals, resources and heavy engineering To address issues facing the minerals, resources and heavy engineering sectors, including:• Supporting (including by providing advice) the development and delivery by government and/or industry of projects to increase the availability and productivity of the workforce, including learning and development and training projects.• Identifying gaps in, and issues with, the skills of the resources industry workforce, and developing solutions.• Working with business and government to translate policy and navigate government programs, and facilitating business access to coordinate and support solutions; and• Identifying and connecting industry to funded organisational development programs. 1,200
Mining And Petroleum Engineering Scholarship Programme To fund the 2021 to 2026 Mining and Petroleum Engineering Scholarship Programme with the long-term objective of helping to arrest a forecast skill shortage in the resources sector. Awarding up to 10 by 2- year Scholarships in each of 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025. 1,100
HILT CRC Establish a Heavy Industry Low Carbon Transition Co-operative Research Centre (HILT CRC) being led by the University of Adelaide. 1,000
The Accelerated Discovery Initiative (ADI) To stimulate exploration activity and accelerate mineral discovery through innovation, collaboration, and the execution of various exploration activities. 545
University of Adelaide To contribute to meeting the cost incurred by the University of Adelaide in employing a person to hold the position of South Australian State Chair of Petroleum Geoscience for the term ending 30 June 2026. The University may only apply the Funding towards meeting the salary payable to the position and related direct on-costs. 347
Roxby Downs Council As per the requirements under the Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) Act 1982 this is the State Government contribution to the municipal deficit funding. 300
SA Hydrogen Hubs(OHPSA) To support the ongoing operations of South Australian Hydrogen Hubs Incorporated under the brand of South Australian Hub-to-Hub (SA-H2HTM) Hydrogen Technology Cluster to Accelerate the growth of the hydrogen industry ecosystem in South Australia. 300
Future Fuels CRC For DEM to provide funding to the Future Fuels CRC to support the research activities being undertaken in South Australia, under the CRCs three research programs: 1. Future Fuel Technologies, Systems and Markets2. Social Acceptance, Public Safety and Security of Supply3. Network Lifecycle Management. 105
Net Zero Homes—Skills Training (Course Bundle) To provide access to the Net Zero Homes course energy efficient home design and construction e-learning resources for the Victorian construction industry 100
SACOME To enhance the Resourceful SA campaign and include the state government's endorsement of mining in South Australia by enabling additional and broader broadcast of messages 100
Hydrogen generation by subsurface iron mineral transformations Hydrogen generation by subsurface iron mineral transformations—to elucidate key factors responsible for natural hydrogen generation in Australian subsurface environments. Significance Large amounts of this valuable resource are produced naturally with estimates of production rates of this 'gold' hydrogen at least 100 times the annual demand for this critical resource. Expected Outcomes Based on improved understanding of the source of natural hydrogen, predictive tools will be developed that will assist in assessing the viability in Australia of hydrogen exploration and engineered retrieval. Benefits Ready access to naturally produced hydrogen could enable Australia to replace hydrogen that is currently generated via the use of unabated hydrocarbons. 60

Note: The Department for Infrastructure and Transport, the Department for Energy and Mining and the Office of Hydrogen Power South Australia advise that grant programs beyond 2023-2024 are subject to approval through the future State Budget process.

The following table provides details, including the value and beneficiary, or any commitments already made to be funded from the program or funds mentioned in the previous answer in 2024-25.

Grant program/ fund name Beneficiary/ Recipient Purpose Committed Value $000
Department for Infrastructure and Transport
SA Jetties Renewal Program Multiple Councils To assist councils to address immediate and critical concerns regarding the condition and sustainability of a number of state jetties. 5 000
Kangaroo Island Maintenance Project Kangaroo Island Council The conduct of construction works to upgrade specified unsealed roads. 3 639
Regional Level Crossing Upgrade Program Australian Rail Track Corporation, Northern Areas Council and Flinders Ranges Council The program is intended to fund programs to make railway crossings safer in regional areas. 3 000
Bridge Renewal Program Northern Areas Council Andrews Road Bridges renewal, Andrews 78
Northern Areas Council Pine Creek Bridge upgrade, Appila-Laura Road, Laura 1 907
South Australian Boating Facility Advisory Committee Yorke Peninsula Council Marion Boat Ramp Upgrade 1 000
Whyalla City Council Whyalla Boat Ramp 278
National Transport Commission–National Road, Rail and Intermodal Transport National Transport Commission To contribute to the national road, rail and intermodal transport reform agenda. 664
Car Club Grants SA Car Clubs Enable clubs to host bigger and better events and get more South Australians involved. 500
Freight SA: Strategy and Grant SA Freight Council Inc To advise on freight enhancement opportunities and develop a freight and supply chain strategy based on the principles developed in the national action plan by the Transport and Infrastructure Council. 250
Keep South Australia Beautiful (KESAB) Road Watch Program Not-For-Profit (NFP)—KESAB Delivery of the Road Watch Program 90
Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB) RISSB Funding for RISSB 48
Local Government Association Grant Local Governments Contribution to Local Government Association Mutual Liability Scheme Aerodrome Risk Management Programme for the provision of services to councils and outback areas. 44

Grant program/fund name Beneficiary/Recipient Committed Value2024-25 ($000)
Department for Energy and Mining and Office of Hydrogen Power South Australia
Remote Areas Energy Supply District Council of Coober Pedy 5,249
Andamooka Power House 1,075
Dalform Pty Ltd 260
Grid Scale Storage Fund Hornsdale Power Reserve Pty Ltd 3,308
VPP Project Trust 2,000
Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) AEMC 2,776
EV Charging Network RAA Innovation Pty Ltd 1,721
Jet Charge Pty Ltd 235
Jolt Charge Pty Limited 132
Demand Management Trial Greensync Pty Ltd 1,583
Rural Business Support Landowner Information Service Rural Business Support Service 415
Minerals, resources and heavy engineering Mineral Resources & Heavy Engineering Skills Centre Inc 300
Roxby Downs Council Roxby Downs Council 300
Mining And Petroleum Engineering Scholarship Programme Playford Memorial Trust 220
The Accelerated Discovery Initiative (ADI) Roma Resources SA Pty Ltd 140
Indiana Resources Limited 105
HILT CRC Hilt CRC Limited 100
SACOME SA Chamber of Mines & Energy Inc 100
SA Hydrogen Hubs(OHPSA) South Australian Hydrogen Hubs Incorporated 100
Net Zero Homes–Skills Training (Course Bundle) Pointsbuild Pty Ltd 60
Renewable Technology Fund Lake Bonney Bess Pty Limited 50
Hydrogen generation by subsurface iron mineral transformations University of New South Wales (UNSW) 20
Future Fuels CRC Future Fuel CRC Ltd 15

The following table provides the requested information on grant program/funds for the 2024-25 financial year–Administered:

Grant program/fund name Purpose of grant program/fund 2024-25 Estimate $000
Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Catchment Management Subsidy Scheme Flood mitigation 109