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Primary Producers
In reply to Mr McBRIDE (MacKillop) (13 November 2024).
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Treasurer, Minister for Defence and Space Industries, Minister for Police): I have been advised by the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development:
On 26 November 2024 the Premier announced an $18 million drought support program that includes:
$5 million for On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants that assist with projects to manage drought conditions and strengthen drought preparedness.
$2 million to assist charities with freight costs to transport donated fodder to assist farmers with feeding livestock.
$1 million for additional health and wellbeing support through the Rural Financial Counselling Service and Family and Business Support Program.
$100,000 for the Connecting Communities Events Grant Program, for groups to host events that foster social connections and provide support during these challenging times.
This is in addition to the
$4.4 million budget commitment to provide Family and Business (FaB) Mentors and Rural Financial Counsellors, who provide free confidential and independent services that link people with the appropriate assistance.
$5.5 million funding provided to the state and federal governments Future Drought Fund, which includes ongoing programs to help farmers with farm business resilience planning, climate tools and demonstrating more resilient farming practices.
The On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants and the Connecting Communities Events Grant programs are now open for applications.
The donated fodder transport subsidy initiative is currently being finalised following discussions with the key organisations and will be launched shortly.
Council rate reductions are a matter for each council.
The commonwealth government has a range of national programs that are always available to help farmers and regional communities deal with the impacts of drought. This includes the Farm Household Allowance for individuals and their partners when in financial hardship and low interest loans via the Regional Investment Corporation.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regions will continue to monitor the situation over the coming months and provide advice through the regional drought roundtables and the Drought Advisory Group.