House of Assembly: Thursday, November 14, 2024


Port Augusta Declared Public Precinct

Mr TEAGUE (Heysen) (15:01): Supplementary in light of that answer: in terms of those programs that the Deputy Premier has just referred to, is there any other action that the government is taking that is addressed towards community safety at Port Augusta specifically?

The Hon. N.F. COOK (Hurtle Vale—Minister for Human Services, Minister for Seniors and Ageing Well) (15:02): We have spoken in this place previously about the deep and intensive work that we have done in community which involves the citizens of Port Augusta broadly and also people from many regions across South Australia to bring together a community change project. This is a different way of working throughout communities, where there are at times escalations in the challenge around behaviours brought to those communities because of a number of people having to journey there, who have really not got the requisite supports that they need to be able to remain safe and supported.

DHS has been working really deeply over the last couple of years in Port Augusta with community organisations, Aboriginal elders and leaders, as well as particularly young leaders, in the community; with other service providers—that is, government and non-government service providers; with SAPOL, Health and a whole range of others right alongside at the table. So we have a deep investment and engagement in the early intervention approach, accessing and working with youth organisations to try to provide alternate pathways for activity for young people.

We are working with the schools to try to identify how it is that we can provide and offer alternate spaces for learning within the community at those times when it is difficult for young people to remain engaged at school for whatever reason. We have been working really deeply with housing, the public housing and community housing providers within Port Augusta, who provide and are investing millions of dollars to provide extra and additional homes.

This is a well-coordinated response that has been going on now for two years, which has culminated in the matched $6 million and $6 million state and federal partnership with the NIAA, which is being informed by a leadership group representative of many people across Port Augusta and which will lead to excellent outcomes in the future, I am sure.