House of Assembly: Tuesday, April 30, 2024



Bickford's Australia

Private Members Business, Notices of Motion, No. 2: Mr Whetstone to move:

That this House—

(a) recognises that a proudly Australian family-owned business, Bickford's Australia, will celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2024;

(b) congratulates Bickford's Australia for reaching this remarkable milestone and acknowledges its legacy and historical connection with South Australia;

(c) celebrates this iconic local business for its outstanding business success and innovation to becoming a globally recognised brand and acknowledges the family’s vision for manufacturing in South Australia;

(d) notes the significant positive social, cultural and economic impacts that Bickford's Australia has had for the manufacturing sector, beverage production industry and wider community; and

(e) recognises Bickford's Australia for their continued efforts to keeping their production and employment local and for maintaining their status as an Australian family-owned and managed business.

Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (14:03): I move:

That this notice of motion be withdrawn.

Motion carried; notice of motion withdrawn.