House of Assembly: Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Women's Asia Cup

The Hon. V.A. TARZIA (Hartley) (14:55): My question is to the Minister for Tourism. Did the government place a bid for South Australia to be a host state for the 2026 Women's Asia Cup and, if so, was any feedback provided about it? With your leave, sir, and that of the house, I will explain.

Leave granted.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. V.A. TARZIA: Sir, I ask for your protection.

The SPEAKER: You'll be right.

The Hon. V.A. TARZIA: Sir, they defy your ruling. I can't believe it, from day one.

The SPEAKER: It's deathly silent in here, head away.

The Hon. V.A. TARZIA: On 22 April, Football Australia announced New South Wales, Western Australia and Queensland as the selected host states for the 2026 Women's Asia Cup.

The Hon. Z.L. BETTISON (Ramsay—Minister for Tourism, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (14:55): Thank you very much for the question. As we know, those locations have now been announced. We don't comment about any of the confidential negotiations when we are looking at these things but, look, let's just remind ourselves about our incredible commitment to female sport in this state. Obviously, we are so thrilled about hosting the Matildas' game on 31 May playing China here. It is a sold-out game, there were a few little tickets released already, but I have had so many people come up to me to say how excited their children and their grandchildren are. Their daughters are playing soccer and they cannot wait to see the Matildas here in Adelaide.

Just the other week, we announced $80 million for an upgraded multi-sport facility to replace the ageing Netball SA stadium. I was a keen netballer playing for Kapunda Bombers, and it was a key part of life, but we need to make sure that not only are we supporting those people who are excelling but bringing up the next generation of players so that support for the netball stadium is incredibly important. Let's not forget the $18 million dollars we committed to host the FIFA Women's World Cup for women's sport; $10 million secured for, of course, women's and girls' roles in soccer and the other partner groups as well.

Of course, I was so proud when the Tour Down Under got the women at the highest ever level of the world tour for the UCI, paying them equal money and supporting them because they are the best and we want them here in South Australia.