House of Assembly: Tuesday, February 06, 2024


Marshall, The Hon. Steven

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:34): I met Steven Marshall in 2006. In 2008 we became colleagues as candidates for Dunstan and Morialta—Norwood and Morialta as it was then. He and I have become friends over those years and he has worked his guts out for South Australia.

Today, he has tendered his resignation to you, Mr Speaker. He is no longer the member for Dunstan. The Hon. Steven Marshall is a former Premier, a distinguished citizen and will continue to be a massive contributor to our state. His legacy alone will continue to contribute to our state. I will say much more about him and his legacy in the future.

Today, I want to give voice to some of the people outside this parliament who have had particularly important things to say. I think the editorial in The Advertiser a week or so ago had it very right in that it said he always put our state before his political interests. Indeed, the only criticism that could really be levelled at him is that politics was not his first passion.

I reflect on the comments of some of our AM broadcasters of distinction made this morning on morning radio, with news of his imminent resignation from the parliament. David Penberthy said:

One of the things that defined your premiership was how much work you put into trying to reverse the brain drain from South Australia.

Will Goodings said:

In terms of the things that the normal public cared about, he was a victim of the worst case of bad timing you could possibly imagine in politics.

On the ABC, Sonya Feldhoff said:

When you took over from Isobel Redmond, you were that unifying factor. You were leading and bringing people together.

Across social media there are many great South Australians who have reflected on Steven Marshall's outstanding legacy and I pick some of them to give voice to their words. Derrick McManus, a South Australian hero said:

Thank you for your service The Hon. Steven Marshall. Have a very happy and successful future.

Viv Padman OAM, the Executive Director at Premier Health Care, said:

Formidable record of turning the State around during a very difficult period.

Helen Edwards AM, the Director of the National Wine Centre of Australia, described it thus:

Integrity, inspiration and innovation despite drought, bushfires and a pandemic. Thank you as Premier for making tourism's economic recovery a priority. The results particularly in our regions defied the odds. All the best.

Tina Ferguson said:

Congratulations on a job well done Steven. Thank you for your support in some of the programs I was involved driving opportunities for women in STEM. You truly care and stand by your words, you'll always have my vote. Look forward to seeing where you pop up next.

A leader in the arts industry, not just in South Australia but around Australia and internationally, Rachel Healy said:

The Hon. Steven Marshall your personal commitment to the arts and extraordinary leadership and support for philanthropic giving was nothing short of remarkable. You will be hugely missed.

In a similar tone, Yarmila Alfonzetti, formerly of State Opera South Australia, said:

I remind state and federal politicians on a regular basis about the example you set by being authentically invested in, passionate about and committed to the performing arts industry…many of them could take a leaf out of your book…

Then on another topic that was important to Steven Marshall and his legacy in space, Jason Held, CEO Saber Astronautics, said:

Thanks for all of your hard work and for being a true friend to Australia's space industry.

Similarly, Adam Gilmour, CEO of Gilmour Space Technologies, said:

Hope they clap you out. Super well done. So much energy and enthusiasm for your state and [your] nation. Good luck in the future—Hero.

Pallave Dasari said:

Thank you for your service to our state. In particular for your leadership through the COVID pandemic and establishing Lot 14.

Kelly-Anne Saffin, the Chief Executive Officer at Regional Development Australia, said:

Thank you—it was a pleasure to work with you—and particularly to drive tourism during Covid when so much was unknown. It's an outstanding legacy and good luck with your next chapter.

Tiffany Sharp said:

You also supported the domestic violence and military veteran sector and were at many a candlelight vigil, standing shoulder to shoulder, you did so without fanfare, as a speaker or using it as a platform for party promotion, it was noted by many. Thank you.

Denis Yengi, Head of the African Communities Council, said:

Thank you…Steven Marshall…for your contribution to our state and betterment of Multicultural communities in SA.

Simon Brewer, former Campbelltown mayor, said:

Congratulations Steven. I think your willingness to listen to and work with local government was also great and your passion for Aboriginal reconciliation was very tangible. Thank you and good luck for the future.

David Basheer from Basheer Hotels said:

Congratulations Steven and thanks for all you did during a most difficult time.

Tim Stollznow in The Advertiser today succeeding mightily in America said:

Great job Steven. Sad for SA that it was for only 1 term!

There were many more, including I would say Port legend Alipate Carlile, who said:

Congratulations on an amazing career leading South Australia. Your leadership throughout has been outstanding and I look forward to following your next steps.

One comment that I must highlight because it will not come true from Matthew Gerard, founder of Grand Cru, calling on Steven, saying:

Come over to Melbourne Steven we need you.

Sorry Matthew, but that will never happen. Steven Marshall is committed to South Australia and has demonstrated that throughout his career, particularly as Premier, as member for Norwood, and as member for Dunstan, and I thank Steven for his service.