House of Assembly: Thursday, November 16, 2023


Parliamentary Procedure

Sittings and Business

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Minister for Energy and Mining) (12:05): I move:

That for the remainder of the session, sessional orders be adopted so as to provide that—

Private Members' Statements

At the conclusion of the grievance debate on Tuesdays and Wednesday, the Speaker may ask if there are any private members' statements. Up to four private member statements may be made at this time. When called on by the Speaker, a member (including a parliamentary secretary), but not a minister may make a statement for no longer than 90 seconds.

Private Members Business: Other Motions Notice not moved

If a notice of motion for Private Members Business Other Motions appears on the Notice Paper for 12 sitting days without being moved, it is withdrawn from the Notice Paper.

Postponement and Withdrawal of Notice of Motion Private Members Other Motions

Any Notice of Motion Other Motion to be moved by a private member that has not been disposed of when the time for consideration of that notice expires is set down (without any question being put) as a notice of motion for consideration on the next sitting day on which Private Members' Business Other Motions would normally have precedence, but if at that time the member in whose name the motion stands requests the Clerk at the table to do so, the Clerk sets that notice of motion down for some other day nominated by the member, or withdraws the notice of motion.

A member if duly requested may request the Clerk to set a notice of motion down for some other day or withdraw a notice of motion for a member in whose name the motion stands by putting the name of the member in whose name the motion stands in addition to their own and delivering the request in writing to the Clerk at the table at the time for consideration of Notices of Motion Other Motions expires.

I look forward to its speedy passage to help deliberations of this house run a lot more smoothly and allow greater democratic expression by members in the house.

Motion carried.