Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Public Works Committee: Pimpala Primary School Redevelopment
Mr BROWN (Florey) (11:56): I move:
That the 41st report of the committee, entitled Pimpala Primary School Redevelopment, be noted.
The Department for Education proposes to redevelop the aged Pimpala Primary School facilities located on Vanstone Avenue at Morphett Vale within the City of Onkaparinga. This project will provide modern education accommodation, comply with legislative requirements and deliver the department's benchmark accommodation for students in a primary school.
New flexible and contemporary learning areas will be provided through the construction of two new buildings with general learning areas, serviced learning areas and student amenities, as well as new administration facilities delivered through the construction of a dedicated administration building. A large portion of existing infrastructure will be demolished to eliminate asbestos-containing materials and remove facilities that are past their functional life and which require extensive maintenance.
The redevelopment will incorporate the existing out-of-school-hours care site and Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program, which are strong programs offered by the school and will remain operational during construction. Landscaping will encourage open learning and flexibility between spaces, with the creation of an internal courtyard encompassing a learning garden and water play area to create a focal point for the school and surrounding classrooms. The redevelopment will result in a total school enrolment capacity of 336 places.
The capital cost of the redevelopment is $15 million and will be funded through the department's existing resources. Construction is expected to commence early next year, with practical completion in September 2025. Key aims of the project include:
providing new modern and environmentally sustainable facilities with new technology to support contemporary teaching and learning;
developing creative, flexible learning spaces to enhance student engagement and allow collaborative teaching practices;
providing contemporary administrative spaces;
demolishing aged accommodation; and
improving street presence and the school's connectivity to the community by creating a focal point entrance visible from Vanstone Avenue.
Three options were considered in the development of the project: option 1, do nothing; option 2, build a completely new school; and option 3, redevelop and construct new facilities on the Pimpala Primary School site. Options 1 and 2 were discounted and option 3 was adopted by the department.
The department is aware of potential risks to staff and students being present while redevelopment works are underway and will ensure that controlling entry and securing the site are construction issues that will be strategically addressed. The department also notes that site soil conditions are highly reactive and will ensure that appropriate footing and paving design, as well as appropriate landscape design, are implemented to avoid risks to staff and students.
Extensive engagement and consultation have occurred, with the school principal, governing council, school staff and the education director all endorsing the redevelopment project. Consultation with the governing council and staff at each stage of the project has ensured that there has been direct representation for all stages of project development. I would like to thank all those who gave evidence to the committee, and I thank the witnesses who came to the committee for their time.
Based upon the evidence considered, and pursuant to section 12C of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991, the Public Works Committee reports to parliament that it recommends the proposed public work.
Motion carried.
Mr ODENWALDER: Sir, I draw your attention to the state of the house.
A quorum having been formed: