Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union
The Hon. D.J. SPEIRS (Black—Leader of the Opposition) (14:00): My question is to the Premier. What action is the Premier taking to protect South Australian construction businesses from John Setka's CFMEU? With your leave, and that of the house, I will explain.
Leave granted.
The Hon. D.J. SPEIRS: On 27 May 2023, The Advertiser reported, and I quote:
…Premier Malinauskas solemnly promised to watch the influence of the CFMEU on the local building industry. So far you could characterise his efforts as a whole lot of watching and not much doing.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: The Treasurer has the call.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Treasurer) (14:01): Mad dogs off the leash again. I am happy to respond to the question from the leader because he is right to raise the fact that there is some consternation in some parts of particularly the building industry about this. I know that there has been some media reporting on certain behaviours in the construction industry. What I can say is that the government has commenced ensuring that, insofar as the state government is empowered to do so, it is taking action to make sure that participants in the construction industry are better protected against anyone who behaves or engages in either inappropriate or, even worse, illegal conduct in the industry.
We have been and are in the process of providing additional resources to SafeWork SA not only to give them a greater capacity to participate in inspections and other activities on worksites but to make sure that they have additional tools at their disposal. My colleague in the other place the Attorney-General, the Hon Kyam Maher MLC, has been continuing to work on a package of measures in that regard.
In recent years, with the gradual transition of the parliament's ability to legislate in this area, moving from the state jurisdiction to the federal jurisdiction, there isn't always an easy or a simple answer for a state government to take action in this regard. But whether it's that particular participant that the leader raises, or whether it's anybody else who behaves inappropriately in the construction industry, of course that's a concern for the government. We will continue to take what actions we are able to to make sure that everybody's interests are protected who participate in this industry, whether it's businesses, whether it's employees, or whether it's employee representatives.