House of Assembly: Tuesday, March 07, 2023


Native Vegetation

In reply to the Hon. D.J. SPEIRS (Black—Leader of the Opposition) (2 November 2022).

The Hon. S.E. CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Deputy Premier, Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Minister for Defence and Space Industries, Minister for Climate, Environment and Water): I have been advised:

The Native Vegetation Council, under the Native Vegetation Act 1991, is responsible for ensuring any clearance of native vegetation is compliant with the requirements of the act and any approvals that have been granted. I am advised the NVC received multiple reports in relation to the property located at 104 Mount Lofty Summit Road, Crafers, and investigations have been conducted to determine if any breach of the act or conditions of approval has occurred.

Where it is determined that clearance has occurred that is in excess of what has been approved, or that is permitted under the act, there are a range of compliance options available to the NVC. In this case, an enforcement notice was issued to the landowners as there were reasonable grounds to believe that native vegetation clearance had occurred in excess of that approved by the Native Vegetation Council. The extent of the additional clearance was in excess of half a hectare of messmate stringybark woodland/forest. The enforcement notice requires that the land owners refrain from any further native vegetation clearance contrary to the act, and take action to rehabilitate the areas of excess clearance.

I can advise you that the NVC will continue to monitor this property closely and will take action as appropriate to ensure that requirements of the Native Vegetation Act are fully adhered to.