House of Assembly: Tuesday, March 07, 2023


River Murray Flood

S.E. ANDREWS (Gibson) (14:23): My question is to the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water. Can the minister update the house on the progress of the government-led River Murray flood clean-up?

The Hon. S.E. CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Deputy Premier, Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Minister for Defence and Space Industries, Minister for Climate, Environment and Water) (14:23): Thank you very much for the question. Recently, I was invited to Swan Reach to see some of the damage that has been caused by this flood. I think some people, probably particularly in Adelaide, who were very interested in the height of the flood have lost a bit of attention on what it's like now, after the floodwaters start to recede.

It was a pleasure to meet and be shown around by Mr Tim Siebert, the Treasurer of the Swan Reach Progress Association, but at the same time, seeing that level of devastation was quite confronting. He took me along in his tinnie so that we could see a number of the houses that had still a significant amount of water in them and a huge amount of damage.

As members of the house would be aware, my portfolio agency Green Industries SA, was activated on 15 December as the functional lead agency responsible for managing waste and debris arising from the current River Murray flooding event, as per the requirements of the South Australian Disaster Waste Management Guidelines.

Furthermore, in January, as part of the continuing River Murray disaster relief program, co-funded by the commonwealth and state governments, $60 million was provided by the two governments for waste management and other clean-up work. This forms part of more than $120 million in joint funding, which has been provided thus far to support community recovery and represents the largest amount spent on a single disaster event in the history of our state.

Given the sheer scale and complexity of the disaster event, it was determined that GISA would adopt a procurement strategy of appointing a principal contractor, similar to approaches by other states also affected by flooding. Upon contract execution, the principal contractor will commence works, which will include contacting householders and small businesses to arrange assessments of their properties. We remain committed to using local suppliers where possible, a successful approach that was demonstrated during the 2019-20 bushfires.

I encourage eligible landowners to register for their free structural assessment through the government hotline and I thank the more than 1,500 people who have already done so. Anyone in a primary residence, a shack or holiday home, small business or not-for-profit organisation that has been affected by the floodwaters is eligible for free clean-up assistance.

Assessments will commence in the coming weeks and clean-up works will increase as roads become accessible to heavy vehicles and machinery. As an initial clean-up activity on 20 February, the Premier announced that the government would be providing householders with five vouchers for the free disposal of flood-affected material at 12 transfer stations along the river.

Owners of properties affected by floodwater are eligible for up to five vouchers once they have registered via 1800 302 787. Landowners can collect vouchers by visiting a participating transfer station and by providing staff with their client ID and name. Eligible transfer stations are at Blanchetown, Bowhill, Cadell, Mannum, Morgan, Swan Reach, Walker Flat, Berri, Loxton, Moorook, Brinkley and Waikerie.

I can also inform the house that on 25 February, the removal of some waste which had been placed on the kerbside by property owners commenced at a number of locations between the towns of Blanchetown and Bowhill due to health and safety concerns. This clean-up, conducted by two contractors engaged directly by the government, is an interim measure only, ahead of the commencement of the larger recovery efforts previously mentioned.

This clean-up will take time but I would like to reiterate that no-one will miss out on free access to hard waste and debris clean-up. If you have any questions or require support, please encourage your constituents to call the relief information hotline on 1800 302 787 between 9am and 5pm on weekdays so that they can discuss their situation.