House of Assembly: Thursday, February 23, 2023


Public Works Committee: Warren Dam Outlet Works Reliability Project

Mr BROWN (Florey) (11:41): I move:

That the 23rd report of the committee, entitled Warren Dam Outlet Works Reliability Project, be noted.

The public works submission from the South Australian Water Corporation, or SA Water, proposes to replace infrastructure at the Warren Dam. Built on the South Para River between 1914 and 1916, the Warren Reservoir lies south-east of Williamstown in the Barossa Valley. The reservoir supplies water to 85,000 customers in the Barossa region via the South Para Reservoir; this includes Barossa Infrastructure Ltd, one of SA Water's major customers. Barossa Infrastructure Ltd has a water transport agreement with SA Water, supplying 320 irrigators in the Barossa Valley.

The Warren Dam operates through intake and scour valves that transfer water downstream to supply South Para Reservoir and Barossa Infrastructure Ltd. The valves were installed in 1916 and have never been replaced. There are currently three intakes at different elevations, allowing water to be selected at different levels for water quality purposes and to ensure supply at low water levels.

Currently, out of the three valves, only the middle intake is safe to operate. The scour valve that is used to lower the reservoir after high rainfall is located below the three intake valves. The scour valve cannot be relied upon to close after it is opened, which presents a supply risk for customers.

The project aims to deliver a reliable scour outlet so the dam can be drawn down during floods and refilled, and also provide a reliable water supply to customers. The proposed scope of works includes two new screened intake valves, a new scour valve, and a platform to operate valves manually in case of an emergency.

Construction has been planned for April to May 2023, a time of the year that has the lowest rainfall and accommodates Barossa Infrastructure Ltd during its lowest demand period. To install the new valves, the reservoir will be lowered to less than 5 per cent for the planned eight-week construction period. While the reservoir is drawn down, SA Water will reset its water network to maintain supply to all customers.

Warren Reservoir has a large stock of native fish and is one of South Australia's most popular recreational fishing spots. To minimise the risk of a mass fish kill event, the reservoir will be drawn down gradually by transferring water downstream to the South Para Reservoir. Fish removal will occur in phases, using electrofishing and sieve net power hauling to capture the fish alive without harm. Native fish will then be transported in aeration tanks and released in the downstream South Para Reservoir. Non-native fish will be recycled to compost companies.

SA Water has included the delivery of the Warren Dam outlet works project in the Water North major framework program. SA Water has stated that the procurement process for establishing this framework has been conducted in accordance with guidelines and conforms to all applicable Treasury and government policies. This project is being managed in accordance with SA Water's corporate project management methodology by a project manager from SA Water's capital planning and delivery group.

The project manager is responsible for the development and delivery of the project, including the necessary approvals and management of contractors. SA Water's environment and heritage expertise has reviewed the proposed project site and is seeking development approval from the State Planning Commission as the reservoir site has European heritage status. The design and construct contractor will be required to comply with SA Water's standard operating procedure for the discovery of Aboriginal heritage during construction, in the unlikely event that heritage is uncovered.

SA Water reports that it is completed extensive consultation with impacted stakeholders to date, which include but are not limited to local fishing groups, kayak businesses, and Barossa Council. SA Water affirms that ongoing engagement and consultation will occur throughout the project. Internal stakeholders and partner organisations are involved and will be kept informed throughout the project life cycle via progress meetings.

The committee has examined written evidence in relation to this project. Based upon the evidence considered, and pursuant to section 12C of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991, the Public Works Committee reports to parliament that it recommends the proposed public works.

Motion carried.