House of Assembly: Thursday, February 23, 2023


Local Government Elections

Mr TELFER (Flinders) (14:50): My question is to the Minister for Local Government. Is the minister satisfied with the Electoral Commission processes and communications during the local government elections?

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Point of order, sir: the shadow minister is seeking an opinion, rather than information, which is contrary to the standing orders and practice of the house

The SPEAKER: I am going to give the member the opportunity to rephrase the question. Member for Flinders.

Mr TELFER: Thank you, sir. My question is to the Minister for Local Government. Does the minister believe that the Electoral Commission has failed in any of its obligations, under either the Local Government Act or the Local Government (Elections) Act? If so, can the minister clarify whether the Electoral Commissioner has the full confidence of the minister?

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order! I will hear from the member for West Torrens on a point of order, under 134.

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Point of order, sir: it's the same question, worded differently, seeking an opinion again, rather than seeking facts or an answer.

The SPEAKER: It may be that the first portion of the question can be salvaged, and for that reason we are going to return to the member for Flinders to recast the question.

Mr TELFER: Does the minister believe that the Electoral Commission has failed in any of its obligations, under either the Local Government Act or the Local Government (Elections) Act?

The SPEAKER: It may be, to preserve the question, that you can simply ask it straight out.

Mr TELFER: I am happy to, sir; thank you. And thank you for the guidance of the Grandfather of the House. My question is to the Minister for Local Government.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Hurtle Vale is called to order. Member for Flinders, one more time.

Mr TELFER: Thank you, sir. In the perspective of the minister—no.