Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Auditor-General's Report
Answers to Questions
Southern Expressway
Ms THOMPSON (Davenport) (14:43): My question is to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport. Can the minister update the house on the proposed footprint of infrastructure works for the Majors Road project access to the Southern Expressway and any alternative views of that footprint?
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Minister for Energy and Mining) (14:43): Thank you for this important question about an important project that was quite frankly until 19 March this year a bipartisan project. It's interesting to note that the former environment minister gave up nearly 13 hectares of woodlands to the BMX and soccer facilities that took out hundreds of pieces of vegetation, but that's different. It is timely for me to provide an update to the house on this important project. A flyer endorsed by the member for Black claims, and I quote:
Habitat for native species—
not the ones that he bulldozed for the BMX facility and the soccer fields; these are the other species that he is worried about—
…are at threat of being decimated with the removal of thousands of plants to make way for the proposed roadway.
I invite the member to make those same remarks here in the parliament.
The Liberals' 2019 plan proposed to impact a minimum of 13,000 square metres of Glenthorne National Park, including 8,000 square metres of established vegetation and significant trees. That was the project that the then member for Black, as a shadow minister leading up to the 2018 election, said was his number one priority.
The Hon. P.B. Malinauskas: Number one priority.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Number one priority. Contrast that with our design: the light touch. People know my views on vegetation and fauna. Our design is to ensure that all of our infrastructure projects have a light touch and do not sever communities. Our design does not impact any of the trees planted since the national park listing within Glenthorne National Park land, and it does not impact any significant or regulated trees within Glenthorne National Park.
There is a potential for a small group of Glenthorne National Park land—less than 3,000 square metres—to be acquired from the project, which is part of what would have been road reserve along the Southern Expressway. This is already disturbed land, not native habitat and, importantly, there will be no impact to Glenthorne Farm. In the flyer that the Leader of the Opposition distributed, he claims:
Trails are under major threat of being ripped up and segments of the precinct marooned from the integrated trail network with the new Sam Willoughby BMX facility, its accompanying toilets and car park all being at risk of isolation…
It is true to say that the former Liberal design would have done all those things. Community representations and concerns have been listened to, and the current design—our design, Labor's design—has no impact on any of those. The new design actually incorporates new bike connections to Glenthorne National Park, making it easier and safer to journey to the park by bike. Connections into the Sam Willoughby BMX bike facility and the O'Halloran Hill Recreation Park by vehicle have also been enhanced.
Also, the current design, unlike the members' opposite design, does not cut through the national park, and no part of the park will be isolated. The flyer also indicates that Labor has no intention to duplicate Majors Road or the bridge and dictates that this makes the project economically reckless. It appears the member for Black has got it wrong. Our design does duplicate a significant section of Majors Road and is fully duplicated over the Southern Expressway.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order! The Premier is called to order! Member for Hartley!
The Hon. P.B. Malinauskas interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order! I see the member for Flinders.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order! The house will come to order. Members may be interested to know that Gold Trip has won the Melbourne Cup. I also provide a brief update to the house on the—
The Hon. P.B. Malinauskas interjecting:
The SPEAKER: The Premier is called to order.
Mr Whetstone interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Member for Chaffey! Members may be interested to note that the Parliament House Open Day saw 696 visitors attend the house. Thank you to members present who volunteered, and a special acknowledgement of the house Education Office. Natalie and Edgar, thank you especially. The member for Flinders has the call.