House of Assembly: Tuesday, September 07, 2021



The following papers were laid on the table:

By the Speaker—

Lease made under the following Act

Adelaide Park Lands—Park Lands Agreement—Park 9—City of Adelaide and Prince Alfred College

Parliament of South Australia—House of Assembly—Register of Members' Interests—Registrar's Statement—June 2021 [Ordered to be published]

By the Premier (Hon. S.S. Marshall)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Return to Work—Self-Insured Employers

Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia—Prescribed Public Authorities

By the Attorney-General (Hon. V.A. Chapman)—

Electoral Commission of South Australia—State Election Report 2019—Corrigendum

Summary Offences Act 1953—

Dangerous Area Declarations Return Pursuant to Section 83B—Report for Period 1 April 2021 to 30 June 2021

Road Block Authorisations Return Pursuant to Section 74B—Report for Period 1 April 2021 to 30 June 2021

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Disability Inclusion—Restrictive Practices—NDIS

By the Minister for Planning and Local Government (Hon. V.A. Chapman)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Planning, Development and Infrastructure—General—Time Periods

Local Council By-Laws—

City of Marion—

No. 1—Permits and Penalties

No. 2—Moveable Signs

No. 3—Local Government Land

No. 4—Dogs

No. 5—Roads

No. 6—Cats

No. 7—Animal Management

The Corporation of the City of Whyalla—

No. 1—Permits and Penalties

No. 2—Local Government Land

No. 3—Roads

No. 4—Moveable Signs

No. 5—Dogs

No. 6—Cats

No. 7—Caravans and Camping

No. 8—Boat Harbors and Facilities

By the Minister for Environment and Water (Hon. D.J. Speirs)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium—General

By the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development (Hon. D.K. Basham)—

Management Plan—South Australian Commercial Abalone Fisheries—1 October 2021

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Primary Industry Funding Schemes—

Adelaide Hills Wine Industry Fund—Miscellaneous

Apiary Industry Fund—Contributions to Fund

Barossa Wine Industry Fund

Clare Valley Wine Industry Fund

Langhorne Creek Wine Industry Fund—Miscellaneous

McLaren Vale Wine Industry Fund—Miscellaneous

Riverland Wine Industry Fund—Miscellaneous

SA Grape Growers Industry Fund