House of Assembly: Thursday, December 05, 2019



Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act Regulations

Private Members Business, Committees and Subordinate Legislation, No. 2, Mr Teague to move:

That regulations made under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, entitled Development Assessment, made on 20 June 2019 and laid on the table of this house on 2 July 2019, be disallowed.

Mr TEAGUE (Heysen) (11:41): I move:

That this order of the day be postponed.

The Hon. A. PICCOLO: Point of order: my understanding is that this regulation was disallowed in the upper house last night. As such, the regulation does not exist as in the format on the Notice Paper. It would be inappropriate for us to debate a matter that actually does not exist.

Mr Pederick: We are not; we are postponing it.

The Hon. A. PICCOLO: Why would you postpone it then? It does not exist.

The SPEAKER: We have the point of order.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. A. PICCOLO: Let the Speaker make the ruling.

The SPEAKER: Yes, we have the point of order. It is on the Notice Paper. I am going to take it in chronological order, but the member for Light does raise a good point. If it is postponed, in any case it will become obsolete anyway. We have the motion to postpone; it has been moved by the member for Heysen. I thank the member for Light.

Motion carried.