House of Assembly: Thursday, November 28, 2019



Aboriginal Lands Trust Land Disposal

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier) (15:41): I move:

That pursuant to section 44(2)(a) of the Aboriginal Lands Trust Act 2013, this house resolves that the Aboriginal Lands Trust may dispose of land and buildings held by the trust at 50-56 Sussex Street, North Adelaide (Certificate of Title Volume 5546 Folio 989 and Certificate of Title Volume 5536 Folio 252).

The Aboriginal Lands Trust owns a property at 50-56 Sussex Street, North Adelaide. The property has an area of 1,538 square metres and comprises a former boarding house, a caretaker's house, an office, a small playground and a car park. The property was owned and run by various benevolent organisations before entering the trust estate in 1980, after which it was used to house Aboriginal women coming to Adelaide for medical treatment. It was last used for this purpose in 1995 and has been derelict for some time. In the meantime, the Aboriginal Lands Trust has been incurring considerable property maintenance costs.

The trust board considered improving the buildings and using them for office premises; however, a feasibility study identified that the building did not meet occupational health and safety criteria, while Sussex Street is now zoned residential, precluding alternative uses. The current value of the Sussex Street property, based on SA Water ratings, is in excess of $3 million. At its board meeting on 10 October 2019, the trust resolved unanimously to sell the property. This decision was informed by community consultation undertaken by the trust.

The trust is an independent statutory authority and receives funding of just over $1 million per annum from the state government. About 20 per cent of its budget is allocated to rental costs for its current Adelaide CBD office. The trust intends to use proceeds from the sale of the Sussex Street property to secure its own premises, which will include multi-use spaces that can be used by Aboriginal communities as well as being available for hire to create a new income stream for the trust.

Earlier this year, the Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee completed a report, as required by the Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee Act 2003, following its review into the operations of the trust. I recently provided a response to the committee's Presiding Member, noting that I have been in discussion with the trust about further action that could be taken to put the trust in a sustainable financial position. This includes the proposal for the sale of the Sussex Street property. Section 44(2)(a) of the act requires a resolution of both houses of parliament to approve the disposal of trust land. I commend this resolution to the house.

Mr HUGHES (Giles) (15:44): I rise today to support this motion. The Premier has comprehensively covered what is actually going to happen. Clearly, the sale of the property will be of benefit to the Aboriginal Lands Trust. They will get new headquarters that will be fit for purpose and in addition they will have a surplus left over that they will be able to invest. I understand that the Indigenous Land Corporation is assisting the Aboriginal Lands Trust with advice on the business case, so that gives us a degree of confidence that things will be done as they should be done. As indicated, Labor supports this motion.

Motion carried.