House of Assembly: Thursday, November 28, 2019


Regional Jobs

Mr TRELOAR (Flinders) (15:04): My question is to the Minister for—

Mr Malinauskas interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Leader, be quiet.

Mr TRELOAR: My question is to the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing. How is the government's investment in grassroots sport leading to jobs in our regions?

The Hon. C.L. WINGARD (Gibson—Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing) (15:05): I thank the member for Flinders for his question, and it's with great pleasure that I update the house on what the Marshall Liberal government is doing in investing in sport in South Australia, especially in our regions, and growing jobs as well. I know that the member for Flinders is very passionate about this. He is a big champion for investment in his local community, and that is what we are delivering.

Our government is focused on creating jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs. I am pleased to inform the house that 165 jobs have been created as a result of a number of important construction projects from our multimillion boost into sporting facilities.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Reynell is warned.

The Hon. C.L. WINGARD: We are not just talking about jobs in the metropolitan area. They are also happening in our regions—jobs that put money back into local communities and grow our state. Our government is not only focused on growing jobs but also on growing our regions because, as my good friend the Minister for Primary Industries says, #RegionsMatter.

The member for Flinders knows how much our regions matter and how the Marshall Liberal government's investment in sport is benefiting his community. Have a listen to some of these investments: $94,000 to the Port Lincoln Yacht Club, a club that plays a big role in the Port Lincoln community, particularly during the Adelaide to Port Lincoln yacht race, which celebrates its 70th anniversary in February next year. This significant investment made possible through the Community Recreation and Sport Facilities Program will see the existing change rooms upgraded, a new access ramp for the boatshed, extended storage and new sensor lighting at the clubrooms.

These extra upgrades are wonderful for the community and great for the sport of sailing and all the people who do that over on the West Coast. We know that our regions are very big into sailing, but it is also great for the community. This matches an investment into the Ceduna Sailing Club of $135,000, which is a great investment. I was over there with the member for Flinders, having a look at this club and the number of meals that they turn out in the local community and what they do. Sailing is one part, but what you love about this club is that they are actually a community facility as well, so it was great to invest in them and to see what they give back to the community. If you are over on the West Coast, make sure you call in and see the Ceduna Sailing Club.

The Port Lincoln Leisure Centre had a $190,000 investment, and this is a real hub in the member for Flinders' electorate. Families, older people and younger people—people right across the board—utilise this facility, and it was great to call past and have a look at what they are doing there. There are some big developments going on, and the member for Flinders is really delivering for his electorate.

The Wudinna District Council benefited from $368,000. Who can forget the investment in the Cleve Sporting Bodies multifunction sports centre to the tune of $630,000? This is a great investment and another outstanding example of how regional communities come together and bring everyone in. Everyone can benefit from this investment. The emergency services will use this and the sporting clubs will use this. When I was there with the member for Flinders meeting with the locals—I might add, too, in the town that I was born in, a lovely part of the world over on the West Coast—the way they would all work together to make sure that this investment was going to get maximum bang for the buck for the community was to be admired.

Those on this side of the house know how important our regions are. Jobs in our regions are critical, and delivering projects like this means jobs for local communities. That's why in the last few months I have been to Gawler, Tanunda, Nuriootpa, Berri, Renmark and Hahndorf, talking to volunteers, councils and local clubs about the great investment the Marshall Liberal government is making in growing our clubs and growing our communities. We look forward to doing plenty more—plenty more into the future.