House of Assembly: Thursday, October 17, 2019


Public Sector Executives

In reply to Mr BOYER (Wright) (26 July 2019). (Estimates Committee B)

The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing): I have been advised:

Between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2019, the following new executive appointments were made within the Department for Health and Wellbeing:

Kelly Barns Director Governance Reform Project SAES 1
Martin Courland Director eHealth Project Services SAES 1
Rachel Newrick Director, Program Delivery Support Office SAES 1
Lynette Pugh Director Domiciliary Care Project SAES 1
Julienne TePohe Executive Director, Business Improvement SAES 2
Virginia Wilkinson Director Office of the Chief Executive SAES 1

Between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2019, the following new executive appointments were made within the Local Health Networks and SA Ambulance Service:

Mark Chilvers Executive Director, SA Dental Service, CALHN SAES 1
Andrew McAlindon Chief Data and Analytics Officer, CALHN SAES 1
Lesley Dwyer Chief Executive Officer, CALHN SAES 2
Chris Martin Administrator, CALHN SAES 2
Mark Mentha Administrator, CALHN SAES 2
Helen Kemp Lead, Workforce Management and Reform SAES 1
Bronwyn Masters Executive Director Operations RAH, CALHN SAES 1
Kathryn Zeitz Director Clinical Governance, CALHN SAES 1
Craig Martin Director Business Development and Strategy, SCSS, CALHN SAES 1
Terry Sparrow Executive Director Aboriginal Health, CHSALHN SAES 1
Verity Paterson Chief Executive Officer, Eyre and Far North* SAES 1
Marina Bowshall State Director Drug and Alcohol Services SAES 1
Heather Baron Director, Child and Family Health Service, WCHN SAES 1
Sarah McRae Chief Operating Officer, WCHN SAES 1
Julia Waddington-Powell Director Operations Country, SAAS SAES 1

Individual executive total remuneration package values as detailed in schedule 2 of an executive employee's contract will not be disclosed as it is deemed to be unreasonable disclosure of personal affairs.