Personal Explanation
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Parliamentary Procedure
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Housing SA
1450 Ms COOK (Hurtle Vale) (24 September 2019). For the property located at 284 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA 5000 (CT 5524/930)
(a) What date did Housing SA take vacant possession of the property?
(b) What date were the $62,000 of maintenance and upgrade works started?
(c) What date were these works completed?
(d) What date was the minister informed of the completion of these works?
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General): The Minister for Human Services has provided the following advice:
For the property located at 284 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA 5000 (CT 5524/930)
(a) The SA Housing Authority (SAHA) took possession on 7 November 2018. Since this time, SAHA has coordinated a select tender process to provide onsite support services. SAHA undertook an extensive review process, which involved implementing a different type of service model and the involvement of additional partners who will be providing integrated and innovative support services.
(b) Upgrade work orders for the property were raised on 24 January 2019.
(c) SAHA was notified on 8 April 2019 that capital works were completed, while coordination of support services continued.
(d) As the property upgrade was managed in the same process as a normal vacant property, myself or my office was not required to be informed.