House of Assembly: Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Housing SA, Eviction Application Notices

1445 Ms COOK (Hurtle Vale) (24 September 2019). How many eviction application notices have been lodged with SACAT by Housing SA in the following financial years:

(a) 2016-17?

(b) 2017-18?

(c) 2018-19?

(d) year to date?

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General): The Minister for Human Services has provided the following advice:

The number of eviction applications lodged with the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal by the SA Housing Authority is as follows:

(a) 284 during 2016-17

(b) 490 during 2017-18

(c) 645 during 2018-19

(d) 137 during 2019-20 as at 31 August 2019.