House of Assembly: Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Independent Commissioner Against Corruption

1259 Mr PICTON (Kaurna) (11 September 2019). Was a final copy of the Chief Psychiatrist's report into the implementation of the recommendations of the Oakden report of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption provided to the SA Health Chief Executive before 30 June, as stipulated by the Chief Psychiatrist in his preliminary report dated December 2018?

(a) The Chief Psychiatrist's preliminary report says a review of the use of restrictive practice would be completed in early 2019, with an updated policy to be published by June—has this occurred? If not, why?

(b) The preliminary report says an enhanced inspection regime would be recommended in the final report—has this occurred and does the government accept the recommendation?

(c) The preliminary report states options for staffing and other resources for the chief psychiatrist and other offices would be included in the final report. Has this occurred and does the government accept the recommendations?

(d) Has a review of facilities commenced, as per the Chief Psychiatrist's recommendations in the preliminary report?

(e) Has the review of the role of consumer advisers concluded, as per the Chief Psychiatrist's preliminary recommendations? Has the project report been publicly released?

(f) Is the government now committed to implementing last year's coroner's recommendation of 200 additional mental health beds across the state? If so, by when?

The Hon. D.C. VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart—Minister for Energy and Mining): The Minister for Health and Wellbeing has advised:

The work in completing the Final Report of the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Oakden Report of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption, is in its final stages, with a final report to be submitted shortly.

(a) The outcomes of the review of the use of restrictive practice, and collaboration underway between the Department and the local health networks to reduce the number of and impacts from restrictive practices, will be published in the final report and in the annual report of the Chief Psychiatrist. A revised draft policy and toolkit will be available for consultation broadly across the sector.

(b) The Chief Psychiatrist commenced an enhanced inspection regime in February 2018. The government will consider options for the enhanced regime following publication of the final report.

(c) The final report will include options for staffing and other resources in the final report. The government will consider options for the enhanced regime following publication of the final report.

(d) The review of the condition of facilities has commenced and has been incorporated into the ongoing inspection regimes of the local health networks, Infrastructure Directorate and the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist.

(e) The review of consumer advisors, complaints, consumer engagement and relevant policies is underway as a collaboration between the Safety and Quality Unit, the local health networks, the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner, and the Health Consumers Alliance..

(f) South Australia is developing a Mental Health Services Plan which has considered mental health bed numbers as part of planning using the National Mental Health Service Planning Framework.