House of Assembly: Tuesday, July 23, 2019


State Opera South Australia

879 Ms STINSON (Badcoe) (5 June 2019). Have any changes been implemented at State Opera South Australia since the Auditor-General's findings in Report 4 of 2019, Update to the Annual Report to address the concerns raised? If so, please detail what these changes are, how they address the three instances raised by the Auditor-General, and when each change will be (or was) implemented.

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General): I have been advised:

As the Auditor-General reported, these bank account access and cheque signatory issues were corrected following the audit, and prior to the publication of Report 4 of 2019.

State Opera South Australia has updated its financial delegations and introduced procedures, including:

assigning specific account user names and passwords to nominated delegates, and

incorporating the de-activation of staff members' account access at the time of their departure into the organisation's exit processes.