House of Assembly: Thursday, June 20, 2019


Women's and Children's Hospital

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (14:59): My question is to the Premier. What are the construction cost estimates for the new Women's and Children's Hospital that the Premier said he had seen and was not worried by in the house yesterday?

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier) (15:00): Yesterday, I outlined the details of the task force that we established, on coming to government, to look at this issue. It's chaired by Mr Jim Birch. We are listening to and we are talking with people on that task force. They are providing advice directly to the government. We are very keen to get the right advice. We are not rushing that advice, but we do know that we want to start construction during the forward estimates that were presented in the budget on Tuesday. That's why we have put $550 million already into the budget. When we have further detail to update the house, then we will certainly come back and update the house.

The Hon. Z.L. Bettison: Why won't you be honest with the South Australian people?

The SPEAKER: The member for Ramsay can leave for the remainder of question time. When she does, the member for Kaurna will have the call.

The honourable member for Ramsay having withdrawn from the chamber: