House of Assembly: Thursday, June 20, 2019


Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy

Mr TEAGUE (Heysen) (14:27): My question is to the Minister for Education. Can the minister update the house on the delivery of the government's Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy?

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Minister for Education) (14:27): I am very pleased to receive this question from the member for Heysen because I think it demonstrates that the government is not only seeking to build infrastructure in this year's budget in the work that we have been doing for some time but also build the capabilities and the growth in educational opportunities for our school students in the South Australian education system.

The member for Heysen is particularly interested, I am aware, in the Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy as Heathfield High School in the member's electorate is one of the 500 entrepreneurial specialist schools that were announced since this government introduced our entrepreneurial learning strategy, along with Seaton High School, Murray Bridge High School, Banksia Park International High School and Mount Gambier High School. Those schools are doing great work in terms of some of the early work in delivering and preparing the strategy, which will of course expand in the coming years.

Work has started on the development of the entrepreneurial learning curriculum and pedagogy resources, and specialist programs will be available in those schools from 2020. The five schools have all recruited their specialist staff and their assistant principals. Their expert teaching staff are in place, and those staff will champion, model and deliver entrepreneurial learning and teaching in their respective schools and also help build the capacity of schools in their secondary alliances and partnerships. Of course, as we develop those resources further, that work will spread out across the state.

Those specialist schools are also engaging with the Office of the South Australian Chief Entrepreneur. Indeed, last Friday I was pleased to go to the Lot Fourteen innovation hub to meet with the principals and the leaders in this area who were coming together with departmental leaders for a meeting where we talked about strategic planning for the Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy. It was an opportunity for each of the schools to share what they were doing locally in their areas and their visions that they were building locally so that we can work on a shared vision that will cross the overarching vision for entrepreneurial education across South Australia.

The shared vision describes how all South Australian schools can support young people to develop an entrepreneurial mindset through innovative educational approaches and collaboration between education, industry and potentially the tertiary sector.

Social enterprise is a critically important part of this as well. Whether young people are looking to start their own business or they are looking to work in a large organisation, start a social enterprise, get involved in society, there is none of these that an entrepreneurial mindset is not relevant for.

The member for Heysen will be particularly interested to learn about some of the specific work that is already going on at Heathfield High School. As part of a program they have called Design It, Engineer It and Pitch It, Heathfield High is working with Jurlique to give students the opportunity to help this particular South Australian business to design, develop and market what could be its next big-selling product.

Students with skills in art or design or engineering or chemistry all take on different roles in marketing or design, product development and finance. They work collaboratively with Jurlique, visiting the Jurlique farm and production facilities to see firsthand how the business operates, and eventually pitch their final projects to experts from Jurlique. They also have a similar partnership with Beerenberg that is working really well, working on a creative marketing plan for Beerenberg products.

They have also been involved in the Shark Tank eSchool eChallenge, a joint initiative with the University of Adelaide, Sony and MIE Lab, teaching students to think creatively to develop solutions to real-world problems. It is great work, and Heathfield High was particularly successful in that. They are also involved in the Schools Cyber Security Challenge, a great initiative where students undertake specific work in this area of fantastic job opportunities in the years ahead.

We are really excited about the Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy, and I look forward to continuing to provide more information about what it is and how it works as it is rolled out.