House of Assembly: Thursday, June 06, 2019


Government Advertising

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (14:14): My question is to the Premier. Can the Premier confirm that the government's Future Adelaide advertising campaign in The Advertiser will cost $1 million?

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier) (14:14): I don't have details of what our advertising campaign specifically will cost, but we have made no secret whatsoever of the fact that we want to promote South Australia interstate. We want more and more people coming from interstate to visit South Australia but also to invest in South Australia and, most importantly, to move to South Australia.

There are plenty of people who have left South Australia in recent years. I think they had given up hope in South Australia under the previous regime, and now we are seeing some of those people come back to South Australia. We want to turbocharge that return to South Australia, whether these are people returning because they have left or whether these are new people. Each year, we have a measure—

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: Point of order, Mr Speaker: the question was about the cost of the advertising campaign.

The SPEAKER: Yes, yes. I think the Premier is canvassing issues that are relevant to advertising, so I will not uphold that point of order.

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL: As I said, I don't have the exact dollar figure, but we are very keen to be advertising in those jurisdictions and, yes, there will be money spent in those jurisdictions. Can I say very specifically that we are looking to reduce the net interstate migration, which blew out to over 7,000 people per year net. That's the difference between those leaving and those coming back: it blew out to more than 7,000 per year. I was very excited to look at the most recent statistics in this area, which showed a 31 per cent decrease in that net interstate migration. Yes, we will be spending money to promote South Australia in interstate markets.

The SPEAKER: The Premier has finished his answer. The member for Lee.