House of Assembly: Thursday, February 28, 2019


Statutes Amendment (Child Exploitation and Encrypted Material) Bill

Final Stages

The Legislative Council agreed to the bill with the amendments indicated by the following schedule, to which amendments the Legislative Council desires the concurrence of the House of Assembly:

No. 1. Clause 11, page 7, after line 18 [inserted section 74BN(1)]—Before the definition of computer insert:

child exploitation offence means any offence involving sexual exploitation or abuse of a child, or exploitation of a child as an object of prurient interest;

No. 2. Clause 11, page 7, lines 34 and 35 [inserted section 74BN(1), definition of investigator]—Delete the definition of investigator

No. 3. Clause 11, page 7, lines 36 to 39 [inserted section 74BN(1), definition of serious offence]—Delete the definition of serious offence

No. 4. Clause 11, page 8, line 20 [inserted section 74BQ]—Delete 'or an investigator,'

No. 5. Clause 11, page 8, lines 27 and 28 [inserted section 74BR(1)]—Delete 'or an investigator'

No. 6. Clause 11, page 8, line 30 [inserted section 74BR(1)]—Delete 'or an investigator'

No. 7. Clause 11, page 8, lines 38 and 39 [inserted section 74BR(1)(c)]—Delete 'or investigator'

No. 8. Clause 11, page 9, line 4 [inserted section 74BR(3)(a)]—Delete 'serious offence' and substitute 'child exploitation offence'

No. 9. Clause 11, page 9, lines 6 and 7 [inserted section 74BR(3)(b)(i)]—Delete 'serious offence' and substitute 'child exploitation offence'

No. 10. Clause 11, page 10, line 1 [inserted section 74BR(6)]—Delete 'serious offence' and substitute 'child exploitation offence'

No. 11. Clause 11, page 10, line 9 [inserted section 74BS(1)(c)]—Delete 'serious offence' and substitute 'child exploitation offence'

No. 12. Clause 11, page 10, line 25 [inserted section 74BT(1)]—Delete 'or an investigator'

No. 13. Clause 11, page 10, line 29 [inserted section 74BT(1)]—Delete 'serious offence' and substitute 'child exploitation offence'

No. 14. Clause 11, page 10 lines 29 and 30 [inserted section 74BT(1)]—Delete 'or investigator'

No. 15. Clause 11, page 10, line 34 [inserted section 74BT(1)(a)]—Delete 'or investigator'

No. 16. Clause 11, page 11, line 6 [inserted section 74BT(1)(b)]—Delete 'or an investigator'

No. 17. Clause 11, page 11, line 8 [inserted section 74BT(1)(c)]—Delete 'or investigator'

No. 18. Clause 11, page 11, lines 10 and 11 [inserted section 74BT(1)(c)]—Delete ', subject to subsection (2),'

No. 19. Clause 11, page 11, lines 13 to 17 [inserted section 74BT(2)]—Delete subclause (2)

No. 20. Clause 11, page 13, lines 9 and 10 [inserted section 74BW(3)(a)]—Delete 'serious offence' and substitute 'child exploitation offence'

No. 21. Clause 11, page 13, line 12 [inserted section 74BW(3)(b)]—Delete 'serious offence' and substitute 'child exploitation offence'

No. 22. Clause 11, page 13, line 13 [inserted section 74BW(3)(b)]—Delete 'serious offence' and substitute 'child exploitation offence'

No. 23. Clause 11, page 13, line 14 [inserted section 74BW(4)]—Delete 'or an investigator'

No. 24. Clause 11, page 13, line 16 [inserted section 74BW(4)]—Delete 'or investigator'

No. 25. Clause 11, page 14, line 30 [inserted section 74BY(1)(c)(i)]—Delete 'serious offences' and substitute 'child exploitation offences'

No. 26. Clause 11, page 14, line 38 [inserted section 74BY(1)(d)]—Delete 'serious offence' and substitute 'child exploitation offence'

No. 27. Clause 11, page 15, lines 1 to 30 [inserted section 74BY(2)]—Delete subclause (2)

No. 28. Clause 11, page 15, lines 31 and 32 [inserted section 74BY(3)]—Delete 'and the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption'

No. 29. Clause 11, page 16, lines 1 and 2 [inserted section 74BZ(2)]—Delete 'and the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption'

At 17:40 the house adjourned until Tuesday 19 March 2019 at 11:00.