House of Assembly: Thursday, February 14, 2019


Public Works Committee: Avenues College (Windsor Gardens Campus) Redevelopment Project

Mr CREGAN (Kavel) (11:56): I move:

That the ninth report of the committee, entitled Avenues College (Windsor Gardens Campus) Redevelopment Project, be noted.

It gives me great pleasure to move this motion. The Windsor Gardens campus of Avenues College is located approximately 12 kilometres north-east of the Adelaide GPO. The college was established as a result of the amalgamation of the Windsor Gardens secondary college, Gilles Plains primary school and the Gilles Plains children's centre.

The proposed redevelopment will involve refurbishment and extension works to existing facilities to accommodate a birth to year 12 school that can also accommodate up to 944 students on the campus. The completed project will deliver a range of flexible learning areas designed to enhance student engagement and allow for enhanced collaborative teaching practices.

The project will incorporate a range of important elements, including the construction of a new children's centre; the refurbishment of teaching environments to support contemporary teaching and learning; better connectivity between indoor and outdoor spaces and learning areas; the development of outdoor learning spaces, new landscaping and play areas; and the refurbishment of existing administration spaces. The estimated total cost of the project is $9.7 million, and it is expected to be completed by February 2020.

The Public Works Committee has examined written and oral evidence in relation to this project, and the committee has been assured by Department for Education officials that acquittals have been received from the Department of Treasury and Finance, the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and the Crown Solicitor's Office that the works and procedures are lawful. The committee is satisfied that the proposal has been subject to the appropriate agency consultation and meets the criteria for examination of projects as described in the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991.

Based on the evidence considered, and pursuant to section 12C of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991, the Public Works Committee reports to parliament that it recommends the proposed public works. I thank other members of the committee for their assistance in bringing forward this report. It was also ably assisted, as I mentioned earlier in relation to the eighth report, by executive officers of the committee, who continue to ably assist us and other members of parliament.

Earlier, I mentioned the member for West Torrens and the member for Light, who are the opposition members of the committee. I re-emphasise the close and able assistance of the government members of the committee (the member for Morphett and the member for Davenport), which I have valued greatly.

Motion carried.