House of Assembly: Thursday, February 14, 2019


Auditor-General's Report

In reply to Mr MALINAUSKAS (Croydon—Leader of the Opposition) (28 November 2018).

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier): I have been advised:

A Goods and Services Agreement was established with Mr Wayne Eagleson commencing on 11 June 2018 and expiring on 10 November 2018. The agreement was for specialist consultancy advice required by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet to provide support with the transition to the new government of South Australia.

There was a need for the ongoing receipt of this specialist consultancy advice. Therefore, a new Goods and Services Agreement was entered into with Mr Eagleson commencing on 11 November 2018 and expiring on 11 January 2019.

The terms and conditions of the engagement remain the same: A daily rate of NZ$2,400 for a maximum of six days per month with an expectation that for at least three days per month, Mr Eagleson will be physically located in Adelaide. Additionally, Mr Eagleson's reasonable travel, accommodation and incidental costs will be reimbursed.