House of Assembly: Thursday, November 08, 2018


Government Advertising

In reply to Dr CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (26 September 2018). (Estimates Committee B)

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Minister for Education): I have been advised of the following:


Department for Education

26 FTEs were allocated to communication and promotion functions of the Department for Education as at 30 June 2018, costing $2.118 million (excluding on-costs).


18.4 FTEs were allocated to communication and promotion functions as at 30 June 2018, costing $1.9 million.

SACE Board of South Australia

6.8 FTEs were allocated to communication and promotion functions as at 30 June 2018, costing $639,000.

Education Standards Board

0.6 FTEs were allocated to communication and promotion functions as at 30 June 2018, costing $28,822.


Department for Education

Year No of FTEs budgeted to provide Communication and Promotion Activities Estimated Salaries Expense
2018-19 29.3 $2.629 million
2019-20 29.3 $2.747 million
2020-21 29.3 $2.789 million
2021-22 29.3 $2.828 million

Estimated salary expense excludes on-costs. This is consistent with the response provided for 2017-18 omnibus response.


Year Budgeted FTE Estimated Employment Expense
2018-19 18.1 $2.0 million
2019-20 17.8 $2.0 million
2020-21 17.4 $2.0 million
2021-22 17.2 $2.0 million

SACE Board of South Australia

Year FTE Expense
2018-19 6.7 $716,000
2019-20 5.8 $637,000
2020-21 2.8 $298,000
2021-22 1.8 $160,000

In 2018-19, this includes media management, communications, online/website maintenance, marketing, events management and graphic design.

Education Standards Board

Year FTE Expense
2018-19 0.6 $59,068
2019-20 0.6 $60,563
2020-21 0.6 $62,077
2021-22 0.6 $63,629

(c) As an open and transparent Government, Marketing Communications Activity Reports and Annual Media Expenditure details are proactively disclosed. The Activity Reports list all marketing campaigns over the cost of $50,000 and are posted on a monthly basis.

This information can be found at: