House of Assembly: Thursday, November 08, 2018


Public Sector Executives

317 The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (25 July 2018). Can the Premier advise what is the total number and cost of all chief executive and executive terminations across the general government sector in the period from the 19March 2018 to 30 June 2018?

1. What is the agency, the position title and total employment cost of each position that was terminated?

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier): I have been advised by the Treasurer:

According to data collected by Shared Services, there was a total of 17 terminations of chief executives and executives where a payment was made to the employee between 19 March 2018 and 30 June 2018. The total cost of these terminations (excluding leave entitlements) was $4,642,481.45. The total cost (excluding leave entitlements) of the 17 terminations by agency is below.

As previously announced publicly, during the period which is the subject of this question, the positions of four chief executives (Attorney-General's; Environment and Water; Premier and Cabinet; Planning, Transport and Infrastructure) were terminated by myself. The remainder of the terminations were determined by the responsible agency chief executive.

Agency Number of Terminations Total Amount
Department for Health and Wellbeing 1 $209,720.42
Central Adelaide Local Health Network 1 $238,962.46
Attorney-General's Department 1 $668,712.10
Defence SA 1 $223,027.25
Department for Education 1 $157,303.09
Department for Environment and Water 1 $309,910.58
Department of Human Services 1 $285,924.88
Department of the Premier and Cabinet 4 $1,247,596.99
Department of Treasury and Finance 1 $277,155.06
Department for Child Protection 1 $270,203.85
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure 1 $460,304.24
Primary Industries and Regions SA 1 $173,860.59
South Australian Tourism Commission 1 $90,225.50
TAFE SA 1 $29,574.44
Grand Total 17 $4,642,481.45

The position title of each role terminated and the cost per termination have not been provided to ensure the privacy of the former employees.

The Shared Services data includes:

public sector administrative units that received a payroll service from Shared Services chief executives who had an employment contract with the Premier.