House of Assembly: Thursday, September 06, 2018


Elder Electorate Schools

Mrs POWER (Elder) (15:12): I rise today to talk about education and particularly the important part our schools play in our local community. Underpinning our prosperity as a society at both an individual and community level is quality educational opportunities and outcomes. The inherent value of education is not just the exposure to knowledge but the role that education plays in promoting values and attitudes that create a more inclusive and connected society.

Over the past few months, I have made the time to visit and meet with most of the principals, teachers and students of the early learning, primary and secondary schools within my electorate of Elder, as the newly elected member of parliament. Those whom I have not yet met with, I will be doing so in the near future.

Rather than using these visits as a quick photo opportunity, I have spent time getting to know the philosophies and approaches each school uses to educate the younger members of my electorate. I applaud the commitment each of the school's leadership teams, governing councils, teaching and support staff, parents and carers and local communities have demonstrated in ensuring the best possible start for our next generation. On my visits, I have witnessed the dedication, innovation and enthusiasm in providing quality education to our local young people. The level of commitment I have witnessed has been inspiring.

Hamilton Secondary College is one of the most innovative schools in our state and provides local students with amazing opportunities in STEM, particularly with the relatively new Mike Roach Space Education Centre. Hamilton Secondary College is the only school in South Australia with a designated facility and specialist curriculum to lead space education and share that specialty with upper primary school classes from across the state. Hamilton Secondary College also provides vocational learning pathways that provide students with SACE subjects and nationally accredited certification.

The school also has a specialist disability school, with the Hamilton Unit, that provides a warm and welcoming place for secondary school students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities or severe and multiple disabilities. This includes students with complex care needs and sensory impairments. I have not only had the pleasure of meeting with the principal, Peta Kourbelis, and deputy principal, Annette Ryan, but I have also had the opportunity to attend one of their governing council meetings where I learned about the incredible innovative approach the school is taking regarding mobilising their student voice.

Sacred Heart Middle School were kind enough to provide me and the Minister for Education with an informative tour of the Mitchell Park campus and an update on the upcoming merger with Marymount College. In 2019, girls from Marymount College at Hove will relocate to create a co-educational year 7 to 9 campus at Sacred Heart College in Mitchell Park. This will be known as a Champagnat Campus. The school will continue to empower our young people to be excellent human beings and to remain true to their values as they bravely and compassionately respond to the world around them.

The minister and I particularly appreciated hearing from the students their thoughts regarding the merger and how they felt about transitioning to a co-ed school. One student remarked that her only concern was that the girls might not get as much time on the oval, but I trust that will not be the case. The students were also extremely articulate about their dream jobs for the future and what made their school special.

Clapham Primary School also hosted the Minister for Education and me last week for the opening of their new STEM Centre. The staff and students of Clapham proudly showed us the centre, and the wonderful school captains brilliantly hosted both a tour of their school and the opening of the STEM ceremony. Thank you to the principal, Jodie Kingham, Mr Tucker and students from room 9 for demonstrating their new resources. Thank you also to the governing council chairperson, Damon Isaacs, and all the staff and students not only for hosting us at this special event but also for all the incredible work they do all year round.