House of Assembly: Thursday, September 06, 2018



Livestock Industry

Adjourned debate on motion of Mr Malinauskas:

That this house establish a select committee to inquire into and report on strategies to ensure a strong and robust South Australian livestock industry should live exports of sheep be either banned or restricted with particular reference to—

(a) the development of a plan to assist sheep farmers and transporters who currently gain income from the live export trade in the event that the trade ceases or is restricted;

(b) explore the capacity of the local meat processing industry to expand and create jobs in a changing industry;

(c) develop and strengthen overseas markets for Australian chilled and frozen sheep products;

(d) explore the quantum and scope of the assistance package required for South Australian sheep farmers to make a positive transition should the trade cease or be restricted;

(e) ensure that the South Australian livestock industry is best placed to capitalise on opportunities should live sheep exports be banned; and

(f) any other related matters.

which Mr Treloar has moved to amend by deleting all words after 'That this house' and inserting the following words in lieu thereof:

refer to the Natural Resources Committee of the South Australian parliament to inquire into and report on strategies to ensure a strong and robust South Australian livestock industry with particular reference to—

(a) the development of a plan to ensure that all livestock producers and transporters who currently gain income from the live export trade meet high animal welfare standards;

(b) explore the capacity of the local meat industry to expand and create jobs;

(c) further develop and strengthen overseas markets for Australian meat products;

(d) ensure that the South Australian livestock industry is best placed to further capitalise on new opportunities; and

(e) any other related matter.

(Continued from 21 June 2018.)

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Minister for Education) (11:02): I believe that this motion has been spoken to by both sides, and Mr Treloar has put on the Notice Paper a proposed amendment. I suggest that it is now an appropriate time to vote on the motion as amended.

Amendment carried; motion as amended carried.