House of Assembly: Thursday, August 02, 2018


Country Ambulance Services

242 Mr PICTON (Kaurna) (25 July 2018). When will the review commence into the sustainability of country ambulance services? What will the review cover? Who will undertake the review?

The Hon. D.C. VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart—Minister for Energy and Mining): The Minister for Health and Wellbeing has been advised:

During the state election in March 2018, the Liberal Party committed to undertake a review into the sustainability of country ambulance services and look in particular at ensuring SA Ambulance Service (SAAS) strives to accommodate the changing employment and volunteering patterns in rural and regional areas.

The SAAS Strategic Working Group (SSWG) is looking at the sustainability of ambulance services and workforce Statewide. The SAAS Volunteer Advisory Council is part of the working group.

Further work on the sustainability of country ambulance services will flow from this work.