House of Assembly: Thursday, August 02, 2018


Parliamentary Procedure

Appropriation Bill 2018

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Minister for Education) (12:00): I move:

That on Tuesday 4 September standing orders be so far suspended as to enable—

(a) the Premier to have leave to continue his remarks on the Appropriation Bill immediately after moving 'That this bill be read a second time';

(b) the Treasurer (Hon. R.I. Lucas) to be immediately admitted to the house for the purpose of giving a speech in relation to the Appropriation Bill; and

(c) the second reading contribution on the Appropriation Bill be resumed on motion.

This has happened four times before. I am advised that this is the form of a previous motion that enables this to happen. When the Treasurer is in the upper house, this enables him to come into the House of Assembly to give the budget speech, as is the custom in our state. I advised the manager of opposition business of this the other day, and he has not raised any issues with me. Obviously, I will let him speak for himself if there are any concerns.

All members of this house would see it as right and proper that the budget speech be delivered here and not in that red house. Therefore, to enable that to happen within the standing orders, this motion needs to be moved. The Premier will have carriage after the formal budget speech, and after he has moved the motion, 'That this bill be read a second time,' he will probably want to say a few words. It enables him to do that after the budget speech has been given, and then we are able to progress. That being the understanding, I believe that the opposition is happy for us to proceed on this basis, and I therefore I have so moved.

Motion carried.

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER: I move:

That a message be sent to the Legislative Council requesting that the Treasurer be permitted to attend at the table of the house on Tuesday 4 September 2018 for the purpose of giving a speech in relation to the Appropriation Bill.

This is obviously immediately consequential upon the motion that has just been carried. The House of Assembly, having agreed to allow the Treasurer to arrive, we would now like to send a message to the Legislative Council letting them know that and requesting that he come and spend some time with us.

Motion carried.