House of Assembly: Thursday, June 21, 2018


Sports Funding

Dr HARVEY (Newland) (14:43): My question is to the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing. Will the minister update the house on the government's commitments to support grassroots sporting organisations, particularly in the north-east of Adelaide?

The Hon. C.L. WINGARD (Gibson—Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing) (14:43): I thank the member for his question, and what a great member he is, too, looking after his community, fighting incredibly hard to get—

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

The Hon. C.L. WINGARD: —sporting commitments into his community, grassroots sporting commitments, and he knows how important these things are for his community. Can I say that the success of the Marshall Liberal team in the north-eastern suburbs at the March election is a testament to how hardworking our members are, including the member for King, the member for Newland and, of course, yourself, Mr Speaker, a wonderfully hardworking member for your local community. I would also like to recognise the hard work of Therese Kenny, our candidate for Torrens—

Mr Malinauskas interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The leader will not interject.

The Hon. C.L. WINGARD: —who I know fought incredibly hard for her community as well in the north-east. The Marshall government understands the importance of grassroots sport, in particular the role sport can play in bringing communities together. The north-eastern community is all the better for having elected these strong—

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

The Hon. C.L. WINGARD: —passionate and capable members of parliament, even more so because these members are part of a government that is equally passionate about encouraging participation in grassroots sport, and finally providing clubs with the resources they need to improve their facilities. Regular involvement in sport benefits individuals and communities, not just in health, but it also delivers social benefits through volunteer participation and a sense of giving back to the community in which we live. I am proud that the Marshall government is delivering on a suite of election commitments that allow clubs and councils to improve their sporting facilities and, in turn, help increase participation in local and community sport.

Across the state we have made funding commitments to many electorates and we will be delivering on all of them. In the north-eastern suburbs specifically we have committed to assisting in the replacement of the sprung floor at the Tea Tree Gully Gymsports club, and I know the member for Newland fought hard for that; supporting the upgrade of the car park lighting and entry point at the SA District Netball Association facility at Golden Grove, and the member for King campaigned hard for that as well; but also supporting the development of six new multipurpose courts for tennis and netball at the Tea Tree Gully sports club and, again, both the members for King and Newland were very passionate about that.

The member for Newland has worked incredibly closely with the chairperson of Tea Tree Gully Gymsports, Steve Crompton. In fact, I was pleased to visit the gym during the campaign. I know the member for Newland has met with the board of Tea Tree Gully Gymsports since the election and reconfirmed our commitment to them. Our funding commitment to the Tea Tree Gully sports club involves Jason Todd from tennis and Karen Lang from netball, who I know the member for Newland has spoken with since the election, and they are very excited about the expansion there.

In fact, he had me out there on a fairly cold winter night, I think it was, when we caught up with the two netball clubs there and the tennis club. To see that there were young children out there not able to play because there weren't enough courts was very disappointing, and that is why the member for Newland got so engaged. I am also pleased to confirm the funding agreement offers have been sent to the Tea Tree Gully Council regarding our funding commitment. This process is being led by the Office for Recreation and Sport, and the house will not be surprised to know that the ever-diligent member for Newland has also had conversations with the Tea Tree Gully council. I understand he has met with Mayor Kevin Knight and CEO John Moyle since the election to discuss the commitments.

Let's not forget other commitments we have made in the north-eastern suburbs, including funding to upgrade the Campbelltown Soccer Club—I know that will make you happy. This will deliver funding to install the FFA-quality certified synthetic soccer pitch, build women's change rooms and provide new fencing as well; funding for the Max Amber Sportsfield lighting upgrade; and funding for women's change rooms at the Hectorville Sports and Community Club as well. I look forward to seeing these facilities developed in the Tea Tree Gully Gymsports, the Tea Tree Gully sports hub and the South Australian District Netball Association, and I know they will add significant benefit to the north-east of Adelaide.