House of Assembly: Thursday, June 21, 2018


Commissioner for Victims' Rights

Mr KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens) (14:23): My question is to the Acting Attorney-General. When did the government inform SAPOL Assistant Commissioner Bronwyn Killmier that she was successful in her application for the role of Commissioner for Victims' Rights?

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Minister for Education) (14:23): After the appointment was made.

The SPEAKER: Before I call the member for Waite, I have been referred to section 98(b) of the standing orders:

(b) During the period for asking Questions without Notice an answer to a question must not exceed four minutes. The Speaker has discretion to extend the time for a Minister or other Member’s answer if the answer is interrupted.

The member for Waite.