House of Assembly: Thursday, June 07, 2018



Women's Suffrage Anniversary

The Legislative Council concurs with the resolution of the House of Assembly contained in message No. 16 for the appointment of a joint committee on matters relating to the 125th Anniversary of women’s suffrage and will be represented on the committee by four members, of whom three shall form the quorum necessary to be present at all sittings of the committee. The members of the joint committee to represent the Legislative Council will be the Hon. C. Bonaros, the Hon. T.A. Franks, the Hon. J.M.A. Lensink and the Hon. I. Pnevmatikos.

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier) (15:39): I move:

That the members of the House of Assembly on the joint committee be Ms Bedford, Ms Luethen, Ms Habib and Ms Hildyard.

Motion carried.