House of Assembly: Thursday, June 07, 2018


Premier and Cabinet Department

Mr KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens) (14:50): My question is to the Premier. Has the Premier, or any member of his staff, ever been cautioned about influencing or interfering with the employment arrangements of non chief executive public sector employees?

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier) (14:50): I think the only thing that I can recall is that the former deputy chief executive of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet came down and spoke with my chief of staff seeking some clarification regarding comments that I had made to the cabinet office, which were clarified fully and made very clear to the deputy chief executive of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet at the time.

The SPEAKER: Member for Flinders.

Mr Koutsantonis interjecting:

The SPEAKER: You have had three in a row, sir. I will come back to you. Member for Flinders.