House of Assembly: Thursday, May 11, 2017


Oakden Mental Health Facility

Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (14:40): My question is to the Minister for Mental Health. Has the minister discussed the Oakden report with the Mental Health Commissioner?

The Hon. L.A. VLAHOS (Taylor—Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse) (14:40): I bumped into him the other day at Bunnings at Mile End and he said, 'Seen the report?' I said yes, and that is the limit of—his job as the Mental Health Commissioner is to design and develop a state strategic mental healthcare plan.

Mr Wingard interjecting:

The Hon. L.A. VLAHOS: That is his substantive role as the state's Mental Health Commissioner. He is an independent person undertaking his job appropriately, and I believe that is due later this year.

The SPEAKER: I call the member for Mitchell to order.