House of Assembly: Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Community Support Programs

In reply to Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (27 September 2016).

The Hon. Z.L. BETTISON (Ramsay—Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers): I have been advised:

The following organisations have received and/or will receive the following amounts of funding related to the Affordable Living Program and Community Support Services Programs in the Financial Years 2015-16 and 2016-17. It should be noted the Community Support Services Program is a sub-program of the broader Family and Community Development Program.

Furthermore, as this information was compiled during the 2016-17 financial year, it should be noted the figures for this financial year cannot be considered final and are likely to change.

Organisation Name FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17
Anglican Community Care $917,358* $919,948
Anglicare SA $1,162,268 $1,040,346
Centacare $173,433 $179,642
Catholic Diocese Pt. Pirie $78,898* $91,083
City of Onkaparinga $516,483 $534,973
City of Salisbury $198,167 $205,261
City of Tea Tree Gully $172,143 $178,3063
City of Victor Harbor $39,204 $40,6083
Vietnamese Community in Australia/ SA Inc $93,169 $89,294
Community Food SA $90,570 $114,024
City of Marion $223,873 $231,888
Corporation of the City of Unley $42,354 $43,8746
Eastwood Community Centre $73,231 $75,853
Foodbank of SA Inc $250,000 $250,000
Gawler Neighbourhood House Inc $62,604 $64,845
Good Shepherd Microfinance $1,113,000 $1,441,000
Junction Australia Ltd $120,401 $124,711
Lifeline South East (SA) $153,855 $151,180
Lutheran Community Care $517,040* $467,135
Marra Murrangga Kumangka Inc $81,776 $84,704
Milang & District Community Association $78,405 $81,212
Money Mob Talkabout $0 $58,000
Multicultural Youth SA $53,674 $55,596
North East Community House Inc $104,678 $108,425
Northern Area community $420,621 $435,679
Plaza Youth Centre $191,980 $198,853
Port Augusta Youth Centre $97,036 $100,510
Re-Engage Youth Services Inc $115,282 $119,409
SPARK Resource Centre $92,988 $0**
Survivors of Torture, Trauma and Rehabilitation Services $70,028 $72,535
The Hut Community Centre $213,663* $213,765
The Junction Community Centre $120,622 $124,940
The Salvation Army SA $659,500 $269,704
UnitingCare Wesley Bowden $1,204,259* $1,204,259
UnitingCare Wesley Country SA $1,073,413* $1,070,053
UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide $1,069,279 $1,107,559
Uniting Communities $1,097,490 $908,685
West Coast Youth and Community Support $90,254 $93,485

* Figures include recoveries

** SPARK Resource Centre has wound up their operations— funding is now provided to Centacare Catholic Family Services